In case you’ve been under a rock or mauled while shopping, two GOP State Senators have resigned to “take other posts”…yeah right, and a seat has opened up in the state house, albeit in deep red Cherokee County. With Democrats facing a Republican supermajority in both chambers, there’s no choice for the House Caucus, Senate Caucus and the State Party but to go balls-to-the-wall in all 3 races or face continued extinction measures in the form or constitutional changes without any way to block them due to the Democrats’ miniscule numbers in both chambers.

For the Republicans, several announcements have already appeared for Senate District 11 from south Georgia including Brad Hughes, former congressional candidate in 2006, and Mike Keown, a state rep who represents part of the senate district. For the Democrats, the only one I’ve seen formerly announce is Natalie Bergeron for State House 21 via press release this morning.

Although I know chances are slim for any pickup in Cherokee, I don’t see that the Democrats have any choice than to put every resource they have into winning one of these January 8th, 2013 special elections. Best thing that could happen? – the Democrats have only one candidate in each race while the GOP has several. and moderate voters buy into the idea that the Georgia Senate and House shouldn’t be in absolute constitutional control of either chamber. Qualifying starts today, hopefully the Dems are already fundraising and the caucuses are coming up with a plan to push out the Dems to vote on January 8th. Consider this your first post in a series of updates, please feel free to comment below with any updates or news on announced candidates!

In 2012 from GA Sec of State Website:

State Senate 11 – Bulloch (R) 46,900 – (D) vacant
State Senate 21 – Rogers (R) 66,429 – (D) vacant
State House 21 – Jergusen (R) 20,198 – (D) vacant

UPDATE: Bergeron’s release is posted online

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First Chip Rogers, now Jim DeMint!? Who’s next? This guy? If only

Jay-Z gets Unrecognized on the NYC Subway…oy how is this news?

Olivia is still smokin, John…erm, not so much.

Grammy nods are out….YAWN

More beautiful stories pour out of Washington, must be a crazy-busy time for wedding planners? Are all Seattle weddings inside? Surely they can’t all be this brave?

MACs will be built in the US! Yay! Maybe they can find sweatshops here, thanks to this asshat.

First Atlanta doesn’t rank well in this list, and now we’re not even sinful!? WTF? We have work to do people.

The fiscal pressure getting to this Congresswoman? Nah she’s probably just like that.

It’s not the broken locks, it’s the sleeping Commissioners.

Olive Garden & Red Lobster in boiling water after anti-Obamacare remarks.

RIP Besse Cooper, 116

Now grab a Chai and hunker down!


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The Young Democrats of Georgia invite you to celebrate the 2012 holiday season!  It will be Wednesday, December 12, from 6:30 – 8:30 at Twain’s Billiards and Tap in Decatur.  You can RSVP via Facebook if you’re into that sort of thing.



Sad news first – Missing Georgia Lesbian found dead according to her girlfriend. :-(

The GOP has begun purging…No this is NOT a Chris Christie diet recommendation.

Women’s Issues played a “serious role” in 2012 election outcomes…No!? Really!? I had no idea.

Conservatives give Bob Dole, you know, their former leader, and pretty much every physically disabled person in the world, the BIG FINGER…However they should watch out, in Georgia, some disabled people are apparently very angry.

Georgia Republicans cool to Boehner’s tax plan…well of course they’re cool, we’re not even sure they have a pulse.

A Detroit Councilwoman took those lines about “gifts” from Obama seriously….seriously?

One of these things….is NOT like the other.

Lockheed is screwing Georgia workers over. And Citigroup joined in. But who will come to the rescue? hm, maybe Starbucks?

Emory students & staff took some notes from the Occupy movement and made them work. Fist up!

He may be mentioned as a potential NFL/MVP, but this guy is still my favorite. Followed closely by this hottie…Yes, I’m gay and I objectify NFL Players, sue me.

State Senator Chip Rogers (R) is leaving the the Senate…HALLELUJAH!…However, with his new job, this guy may be in trouble. Did Chip’s career change have anything to do with this? Nah, of course it was about more “family time” -that’s what they all say….really…they do.

Enjoy, i’m heading for my second cup.


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Is Mexico’s new President getting advice from John Edwards? Maybe.

Kathryn Bigelow cleans up, again, at NYC Critics Awards. 

Atlanta City Council gets a 50% pay raise after 8 years. Can they just make it a full-time job already!? 

Does your bank pay less taxes than you do? Probably

Elizabeth Warren gets a seat on the Senate Banking Committee…Warren/Bigelow 2016?

First Lady of France backs same-sex marriage proposal, nicccccccce.

Republicans still don’t believe they lost the 2012 Election? Yup…25% of them also want to seceed…puh-leez.

Cory Booker, mayor of Newark, starts living on Food Stamps today. That’s $30 a week, or my tab at Brick Store Pub most nights.

The US Senate race in Kentucky could get some star-power. If her mom and sister sing at her campaign events, I may have to relocate for a few months. Love them!

Tom Price (R-GA), a doctor mind you, wants you to be in PAIN! The fat-cats should get a day at the spa apparently.

Enjoy your reading….I need a bagel with lox, stat.


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If this post from Politico is true and Paul Broun (R-GA) is really going to challenge U.S. Senator Saxby “Read My Lips” Chambliss, what are Democrats chances at running for Paul Broun’s Congressional seat?

This is an open question obviously, but given what little I know of the Congressional District I’m curious if a moderate female Democrat would stand a better chance at making inroads into this drawn-for-a-Republican District.

Given that 2014 is both a mid-term election year and gubernatorial election year  in Georgia, AND given that Georgia Democrats have not faired well in, oh say, all of the mid-term elections in my recent history - what kind of conditions, other than a bruising GOP primary, would have to exist to make both the US Senate race and Paul Broun’s congressional seat interesting and exciting?


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FLOTUS outshines the stars at Kennedy Center this weekend, and is POTUS totally checking her out or what?

Bob Costas goes off on guns during…Sunday Night Football? Yep…

Better Georgia weighs in on Tax Cuts and the Fiscal Slip-N-Slide

Atlanta City Council debates a pay raise for itself…Is it a full-time job or not?

Mother Jones imagines Monty Python meeting the Koch Brothers

The New Yorker swears Hillary is running for Prez

and MARTA is getting a new CEO, hopefully this means good changes in store for our battered transit system.


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If you think that the Mayor’s approval of Equal Marriage isn’t important, you’re not paying attention. After President Obama came out swinging for equality, opposition to same-sex marriage hit an all-time low.

Today, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed was welcoming Porsche and their new HQ here in Atlanta. If Atlanta wishes to remain an international draw for business and continue to remain a regional draw for LGBTs, it’s time for the mayor to embrace tens of thousands of his LGBT Atlanta citizens and support all Atlanta’s families.

For comparison, Atlanta is the 9th largest metropolitan area in the U.S. Take a look at other cities both in the U.S. and worldwide whose mayors openly support LGBT Marriage Equality. All these cities have vibrant LGBT communities like Atlanta and continue to draw international and regional business investment.

Not to add too many coals, but HRC also recently published it’s 2012 Municipal Equality Index where Atlanta was not near the top, behind such cities as Austin, San Diego and Seattle. Also worth mentioning, our Mayor is 0-2 for marching in the last two Atlanta Pride Parades.

Come on Mayor Reed, do the right thing here – follow our President’s lead, Congressman John Lewis’ lead, and support all of Atlanta’s communities. Want to join in? See the facebook conversation here or you can write directly to the Mayor here.

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