Press Release


Price Responds to December Jobs Report


Washington, D.C.– Congressman Tom Price, M.D. (R-GA) responded to the Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report for the month of December 2012, saying:


“A continued high rate of unemployment and the nation’s relatively anemic economic recovery are stark reminders that Congress should focus on creating conditions for economic stabilization and growth, not new taxes. Looking ahead to the 113th Congress, House Republicans will continue to exhibit the kind of leadership necessary to make the tough, yet vital, decisions our constituents rightly demand we make. We hope that our colleagues in the Democrat-controlled Senate and President Obama share our understanding of not only the gravity of our fiscal and economic outlook, but also the critical steps we must take to find real solutions to safeguard our nation’s future.


“If they wish to convey such a seriousness, I would urge Senate Democrats to pass a budget for the first time in nearly four years. Perhaps putting ‘pen to paper’ on our nation’s compounding budgetary crisis would shed light for them on the incredible fiscal challenges we face and the necessity of action.


“For our part, House Republicans will continue to develop positive alternatives to the current course of record deficits and mounting debt. These include pro-growth tax reform and good faith efforts to save and strength our nation’s health and retirement programs so that we may preserve these guarantees to America’s families, workers and taxpayers.”


Rep. Price serves as the vice chairman of the House Committee on the Budget. He is also a member of the House Committee on Ways and Means, as well as the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.

