Tom Price

Tom Price


Representative from Georgia's Sixth Congressional District and Vice Chairman of the House Budget Committee.

Washington, D.C. ·

  1. In 2006, then-Senator Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling. That was more than $8 trillion in debt ago.

  2. Congrats to my friend Mike Pence, sworn in as the 50th Gov of Indiana 2day. Indiana is lucky to have such a terrific leader serving them.

  3. Apparently, during negotiations, Pres. Obama insisted that Washington doesn't have a spending problem. Really Mr. President?

  4. It’s been 1,350 days since have passed a budget. It’s past time for them to put ‘pen to paper’ on our nation’s fiscal problems.

  5. Congrats to the Georgia State University Marching Band, who will be marching in the 57th Inaugural Parade!

  6. 113th - House will continue to exhibit leadership necessary to make the tough decisions our constituents rightly demand we make.

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