Press Release


Price Counters President Obama’s Gun Speech


Washington, D.C.– Congressman Tom Price, M.D. (GA-06) offered the following perspective after President Obama’s recommendations for executive action:


‪“All Americans want our communities to be safe places to live, learn, work and play.  As we review how best to prevent mass shootings and the loss of innocent lives we should make a robust analysis of America’s mental health system a priority.  A proper diagnosis and comprehensive treatment are critical to ensure we are identifying indicators of violent behavior that may lead to horrific crimes.  To do otherwise would mean we continue to fail not only those afflicted with mental illness, but also their families, our communities and our nation.


“We know that the safe use and responsible ownership of firearms has time and time again safeguarded individual and public safety. In fact, guns are used more often to protect lives, not take lives. Steps to remove firearms from the hands of law-abiding citizens endangers those very citizens.


‪“John Adams succinctly stated that ‘our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.'  As a public servant sworn to uphold that Constitution, I vow to continue to defend the freedoms it guarantees and bring focus to real problems and real solutions.”

