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Dept of Treasury - cropped

Tish Wells/McClatchy

The Department of Treasury in Washington, D.C. where Treasury Secretary Geithner has warned about the debt ceiling.

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With tax deal, U.S. is off the cliff but not out of the woods

A day after the nation edged away from a fiscal cliff that had threatened economic doom, the realization that other ominous fiscal battles loom tempered any sense of celebration Wednesday in the nation’s capital. » read more

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Joe Lieberman

Joe Rimkus Jr./Miami Herald/MCT

Sen. Joe Lieberman in 2008


Sen. Joe Lieberman made history but will retire without a party

Lieberman on Thursday will end his 24-year term in the Senate and in a political world that’s changed around him. He exits as a voice often without an echo, an independent without a comfortable spot in either political party, a man in the middle of a system that prizes partisanship over moderation. » read more

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Special Report: Oil era's end?

Technological advances might unlock vast natural gas deposits, increase domestic oil production and turn the U.S. into the next Middle East. But, it may not be enough.

Special report: No signs of unity

McClatchy dispatched journalists to a dozen states and commissioned a national poll to plumb the nation's mood. Economic anxiety is the one thing that unites Americans.

Special report: The Polygraph Files

One of the nation's most secretive intelligence agencies is pressuring polygraphers to push the ethical and legal boundaries of a program designed instead to catch spies and terrorists.

Special report: Honor Tarnished

McClatchy found errors and embellishments in the Marine Corps' Medal of Honor nomination for Dakota Meyer, whose deeds have been retold in a book and numerous news reports.

Special report: Chimp research

Chimpanzees at a federal primate facility are at the center of an impassioned debate between the National Institutes of Health and the animal-rights community.

Special report: Military Injustice

An ongoing McClatchy probe reveals troubling flaws in the nation's military justice system, from an error-ridden crime lab to botched death penalty cases and ethical conflicts.

Special report: Afghan contracts

The U.S. program to spend billions of dollars on Afghanistan's facilities is failing. Corruption, nepotism and mismanagement hobble the reconstruction.

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