Jill Ettinger

Jill Ettinger is the senior editor and featured columnist on EcoSalon and sister site Organic Authority as well as NaturallySavvy. Her work is also featured weekly on Eat Drink Better and SunwarriorNews. She is the co-director of social media for both EcoSalon and Organic Authority and works as a researcher and writer with the Cornucopia Institute, the leading organic industry watchdog group. Jill’s writing has been featured in The Village Voice, MTV, Reality Sandwich and Global Rhythm as well as the anthologies “Towards 2012: Perspectives on the Next Age” (2009, Tarcher/Penguin) and “What Do You Believe?” (2009, Outside the Box). A focus on food policy, veganism, wellness, music and world cultural expressions, Jill blends the mystical and modern as she explores what our shifting food, fashion, culture and creative landscapes will look, sound and taste like in the future. Jill spent more than a decade as a sales and marketing manager in the natural foods industry and regularly consults with and supports emerging brands and organizations in creative communication, social media and event production. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and future foodie, their daughter Imogene. Twitter @jillettinger | www.jillettinger.com.

Articles by Jill Ettinger:

‘The Daily Show’ Effect: Why We Love (and Trust) Fake News

the daily show

“The Daily Show” and other fake news programs seem more real than real news these days. When did comedy become so serious?

These are interesting times we’re living in. The 24-hour news channels are inundating us with urgent breaking news stories. Sometimes, they do so accurately, but often times they’re just using urgency for the sake of ratings – which, I guess, are urgent in their own way.

Thank goodness we can find reprieve from the oh-so-serious news agencies with programs like “The Daily Show”, “The Colbert Report” and John Oliver’s “Last Week …

San Francisco to Save the Whales and Dolphins With Radical Legislation


San Francisco has passed landmark legislation that could help to save the whales and dolphins in the Bay Area.
“That the City and County of San Francisco supports the free and safe passage of all whales and dolphins in our coastal waters, including the Pacific Ocean, the San Francisco Bay, and its estuaries[…]Be it further resolved that every whale and dolphin has the right to be free of captivity, and to remain unrestricted in their natural environment.”
That’s the official word out of the city last week, when it passed the Cetacean Free and …

Organic Foodies Duped Into Eating McDonald’s…and They’re Loving It


This is totally effed up but also pretty hilarious. Watch these foodies get fooled into thinking McDonald’s is a healthy and tasty alternative…to McDonald’s? Yep. 

Find Jill on Twitter @jillettinger

Related on EcoSalon

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Tinder Fat People Experiments….Awkward! [Videos]

Snackpocalypse? Snack Foods Kill

Renee Zellweger’s Face

renee zellweger

Renee Zellweger’s face.

Those three words are getting nearly 3 million Google search results today. Apparently, everyone in the world has lost their freaking minds – and not in the good way.

Everyone except Renee Zellweger.

Did she do something to her face? Maybe. But maybe she just, you know, AGED.

Do you look the same as you did 20 years ago?

Or maybe the better question is: Should you?

Here’s the real problem with Renee Zellweger’s face: Our culture wants women to go directly from young/cute/hot/sexy to the matronly grandmother figure. There is no in-between that’s culturally …

SC Johnson to Disclose All Proprietary Fragrance Ingredients

glade candle

SC Johnson’s “secret” corporate fragrances are about to be let out of the bottle.

From perfumes to dishwashing and laundry detergents to candles, chemical fragrances are in practically everything.

But manufacturers do not have to disclose which chemicals are used in their proprietary fragrances, protected by the U.S. Fair Packaging and Labeling Act. And some of these products can contain dozens of chemicals in just one fragrance.

Now, major personal care brand SC Johnson (Glade, Pledge, Shout, Windex) has announced it’s going to disclose all of its fragrance ingredients used in its products. Similarly, …

Russell Brand is Fantastic, Brilliant and Amazing, Once Again [Video]

Russell Brand

If you haven’t noticed yet, EcoSalon has a bit of a crush on Russell Brand. I mean, he’s adorable and all, but it’s his brazen views on politics, commerce, and a fierce commitment to revolution that we find so irresistibly prescient. Take this, a clip from his recent visit to #OccupyWallStreet where he committed to use the sales of his new book “Revolution” to fund nonprofit causes to make this world a better place. Plus, he hugs a cop ;)

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Is Curbing Global Warming a Patriotic Duty?


There are those skeptics who still say global warming (or climate change, if you prefer) doesn’t exist. But the Pentagon is acknowledging it now as an immediate threat to our national security.

A report released by the Pentagon says that climate change may make the U.S. more prone to terrorist attacks and infectious diseases, as well as food shortages and increased poverty levels, and there is also a greater likelihood of extreme weather-related disasters, which will put pressure on our military forces.

The report explains “how the military will adapt to rising sea …

Karl Lagerfeld’s ‘Feminist’ Protest During Paris Fashion Week: Real or BS?

karl lagerfeld

Karl Lagerfeld hosted a staged protest feigning support for women’s rights during the highly-anticipated Chanel catwalk show during Paris Fashion Week last month. Was he making a mockery of women? Or truly embracing the issues women face today?

Rightfully so, it’s hard to take anything Karl Lagerfeld does seriously. After all, he once said: “Everything I say is a joke. I myself am a joke.” No one would dare argue with him over that. But he’s also made crude and insensitive remarks, particularly about women, like dismissing their concerns over size-zero models as nothing …