Dylan Matthews
Dylan Matthews

Dylan Matthews covers taxes, poverty, campaign finance, higher education, and all things data. He has also written for The New Republic, Salon, Slate, and The American Prospect. Follow him on Twitter here. Email him here.

Latest by Dylan Matthews

Study: Freer trade with China cut manufacturing employment by almost a third.

Study: Freer trade with China cut manufacturing employment by almost a third.

Usually, it's hard to find big effects from specific trade deals. But a new study argues that trade with China cut U.S. manufacturing jobs by almost a third.

Michael Castle: Unsuspecting godfather of the $1 trillion coin solution

Michael Castle: Unsuspecting godfather of the $1 trillion coin solution

How Michael Castle accidentally enabled the weirdest possible solution to the debt ceiling.

The jobs report in six charts

The jobs report in six charts

Life's too short to read jobs reports in full. So follow along as we break down December's report in six easy pieces.

Why we need a currency war with China (and Denmark and Kyrgyzstan )

Joe Gagnon and Fred Bergsten have a plan to make the dollar cheaper and boost the economy. But will it spark a currency battle with China and other countries?