Louise Slaughter

Louise Slaughter


It is an honor to serve the people of Rochester and Monroe County as the Congressional Representative of the 25 District of New York.

NY-25 · http://www.louise.house.gov

  1. In addition, allowing women to earn the highest ranks will help change culture and address the issue of sexual assault in the military.

  2. Today's decision by the Dept. of Defense is a victory for women who simply want equal treatment and opportunity to serve their country.

  3. Correction: The tragic shooting in NM was on Sunday...but the need for urgent action to strengthen our gun laws still stands.

  4. Will address today's shooting in New Mexico? Senseless gun deaths must end. Congress must act to strengthen our gun laws today.

  5. Good morning! In a few mins. I'll walk to the House Floor to speak about our debt ceiling. You can watch live here:

  6. Even conservative icons Ronald Reagan & Justice Scalia have recognized the need for commonsense protections from gun violence

  7. For example, Amdt. #4 would cut all FY2013 discretionary approps by 1.63%. #78 ends all foreign aid except for Israel and Pakistan.

  8. Heading into tonight's Rules Committee hearing, the House GOP has proposed over 45 amendments to cut, hinder or offset aid.

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