Rich Nugent

Rich Nugent


FL-05 and Washington DC ·

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  1. Here's a clip of my statement at a press conference showing support for plan for the debt ceiling

  2. Evidently Leader Pelosi and President Obama are too busy to work with Republicans on a solution for the debt ceiling.

  3. Check out floor speech from yesterday, . I agree 100% with him on needing to create jobs, not taxes.

  4. Not sure if you're following the story about this botched ATF gun running operation, but I'm pretty fired up about it:

  5. I posted new pictures on facebook of a recent trip to the Middle East and a tour of local businesses in Citrus County

  6. I sent this letter to the editor responding to claims about Medicare. Time to start being honest about the problem:

  7. The scenes of devastation coming out of the Midwest are heartbreaking. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  8. The Senate rejected President Obama's budget by a margin of 0 - 97.

  9. Mark up hearing on a bill I am a cosponsor of to eliminate the today. Watch the hearing via webcast if you can

  10. Nearly 3700 contractors who recieved Stimulus money are suspected of cheating on their taxes. A bad program gets worse,

  11. Here is a speech gave last night. Let me know what you think about the decision made by the White House.

  12. Latest edition of our weekly newsletter is online. This week it's about a remarkable WWII vet. Great story.

  13. Just got done debating the rule for consideration of the Intel Authorization bill.

  14. Today I had the honor of meeting representatives from the U.S. Army War College Class of 2011.

  15. We've averted a shutdown, but a serious fiscal crisis remains:

  16. Just voted to keep the government from shutting down and make sure our men and women in the military are paid for the rest of the year.

  17. On my way to the Senate steps to demand that Sen. Reid gets the Senate in gear and passes a spending bill so we can move forward.

  18. 2 days before a governmentt shutdown and the President leaves DC, Dems force a vote to immediately adjourn the voted no

  19. Check out this three minute video. Paul Ryan briefly explains his budget proposal:

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