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Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy
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  1. Ceremonial swearing in as a Member of the 113th Congress with Speaker Boehner and my wife Judy.
    Photo: Ceremonial swearing in as a Member of the 113th Congress with Speaker Boehner and my wife Judy.
  2. Today, the House was officially notified that House Republicans have selected me to serve as Majority Whip for the 113th Congress.
    Photo: Today, the House was officially notified that House Republicans have selected me to serve as Majority Whip for the 113th Congress.
  3. Today I was sworn in for the 113th Congress. I am humbled and honored to have this opportunity to serve California’s 23rd district!
  4. STATEMENT ON THE SENATE FISCAL CLIFF AGREEMENT: The House will honor its commitment to consider the Senate agreement if it is passed. Decisions about whether the House will seek to accept or promptly amend the measure will not be made until House members -- and the American people -- have been able to review the legislation.
  5. NASA: REPRESENTING THE IMPOSSIBLE, RECOGNIZING GREATNESS - Earlier today, I spoke in support of H.R. 6612, a bill honoring two pioneers of American space exploration, Dr. Hugh Dryden and Neil A. Armstrong.

  6. Wishing every one of you a very Merry Christmas! May you and your families' hearts and holiday be filled with joy.
  7. WINTER BEGINS TODAY - Today the winter season begins and as you rush to find last-minute Christmas gifts and travel to spend the holidays with loved ones, think about what a great and blessed nation we live in and REMEMBER the men & women serving abroad unable to make it home.

    And now, a word on winter from Walt Whitman.
    Photo: WINTER BEGINS TODAY - Today the winter season begins and as you rush to find last-minute Christmas gifts and travel to spend the holidays with loved ones, think about what a great and blessed nation we live in and REMEMBER the men & women serving abroad unable to make it home.

And now, a word on winter from Walt Whitman.
  8. With our country already $16 TRILLION in debt, America simply cannot afford more of Barack Obama's rhetoric - we need real spending cuts now.

    LIKE and SHARE if you agree.
    Photo: With our country already $16 TRILLION in debt, America simply cannot afford more of Barack Obama's rhetoric - we need real spending cuts now. 

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  9. ENERGY STUDY: Shale oil development could create almost 30,000 jobs by 2020 in West Virginia alone. American energy development and innovation continues to create thousands of new jobs and put us on a path to energy independence.

    Click LIKE to show your support for American made energy!
  10. HONORING AN AMERICAN HERO, SENATOR, AND FRIEND - Sen. Inouye, a war hero and beloved statesman, passed away on Monday at the Walter Reed Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. He was 88. This morning we held a ceremony honoring his life, legacy and service to our nation.
    Photo: HONORING AN AMERICAN HERO, SENATOR, AND FRIEND - Sen. Inouye, a war hero and beloved statesman, passed away on Monday at the Walter Reed Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD.  He was 88.  This morning we held a ceremony honoring his life, legacy and service to our nation.
  11. TODAY IN HISTORY - 235 years ago, Gen. Washington & his army arrived at Valley Forge where they spent the harsh winter. The suffering troops, who held together by loyalty to the Patriot cause and to General Washington, emerged stronger and better disciplined. Nine days later they defeated the British at the Battle of Monmouth.
    Photo: TODAY IN HISTORY - 235 years ago, Gen. Washington & his army arrived at Valley Forge where they spent the harsh winter. The suffering troops, who held together by loyalty to the Patriot cause and to General Washington, emerged stronger and better disciplined.  Nine days later they defeated the British at the Battle of Monmouth.
  12. A NEW GENERATION OF HEROES - Today, I announced my CA-22 nominees to the U.S. service academies.

    Please join me in congratulating these future leaders of America and wishing them good luck in their applications!
  13. WELCOME HOME SAM! - Today, Army Lt. Sam Van Kopp returns from Afghanistan where he was wounded.

    Please help me welcome Sam home to Bakersfield and thank him for his courage and service to this country!
    Photo: WELCOME HOME SAM! - Today, Army Lt. Sam Van Kopp returns from Afghanistan where he was wounded.

Please help me welcome Sam home to Bakersfield and thank him for his courage and service to this country!
  14. THE PRESIDENT'S FISCAL CLIFF DEMANDS ARE IRRESPONSIBLE - We are two months into a new fiscal year. The sad reality is spending is up 16%, $87 billion. That is where the problem lays, that is where the President needs to start addressing and that is what we want to solve in the long run; an America for the children and the future we can build on and one that can create jobs.

    Photo: THE PRESIDENT'S FISCAL CLIFF DEMANDS ARE IRRESPONSIBLE - We are two months into a new fiscal year. The sad reality is spending is up 16%, $87 billion. That is where the problem lays, that is where the President needs to start addressing and that is what we want to solve in the long run; an America for the children and the future we can build on and one that can create jobs.

  15. THE 13TH AMENDMENT RATIFIED - 147 years ago today, Sec. of State William Seward declared the 13th Amendment ratified, outlawing slavery in the United States.

    LIKE and SHARE as we remember this important milestone in our history.
    Photo: THE 13TH AMENDMENT RATIFIED - 147 years ago today, Sec. of State William Seward declared the 13th Amendment ratified, outlawing slavery in the United States.

LIKE and SHARE as we remember this important milestone in our history.
  16. The House observed a moment of silence in honor of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and their families.
    Photo: The House observed a moment of silence in honor of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and their families.
  17. With more regulations, more litigation, and more burdens on the everyday small business owners, we must ask ourselves: are we stifling our entrepreneurial spirit?

    LIKE and SHARE if you agree!
  18. THE WRIGHT BROTHERS: Celebrating 109 years of innovation
    Photo: THE WRIGHT BROTHERS: Celebrating 109 years of innovation
  19. THE BOSTON TEA PARTY - 239 years of standing up for FREEDOM and LIBERTY!
    Photo: THE BOSTON TEA PARTY - 239 years of standing up for FREEDOM and LIBERTY!
  20. Happy 221st Anniversary of the Bill of Rights becoming law. May it forever remain a guiding light for living freedom in this world.
    Photo: Happy 221st Anniversary of the Bill of Rights becoming law. May it forever remain a guiding light for living freedom in this world.
  21. VETS HONORED WITH WREATHS - This morning, I helped lay wreaths on the tombs of our fallen veterans at Bakersfield National Cemetery.

    LIIKE and SHARE as we take a moment to remember our loved ones who have given their lives for this great country.
    Photo: VETS HONORED WITH WREATHS - This morning, I helped lay wreaths on the tombs of our fallen veterans at Bakersfield National Cemetery. 

LIIKE and SHARE as we take a moment to remember our loved ones who have given their lives for this great country.
  22. There are no words to express the sorrow of today's senseless acts of violence. Judy and I send our most sincere sympathies and prayers.

Earlier in January

Earlier in December

Earlier in 2012