[United States Statutes at Large, Volume 119, 109th Congress, 1st Session]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]

PROCLAMATION 7952--NOV. 2, 2005
Proclamation 7952 of November 2, 2005
National Adoption Month, 2005
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
All children deserve strong families with mothers and fathers who are
there to protect and love them. Every year, thousands of Americans
extend the gift of family to a child through adoption. During National
Adoption Month, we recognize the compassion of adoptive and foster
families and renew our pledge to finding loving and stable homes for
children in need.
Many of our citizens have revealed the good heart of America by opening
their homes to children through adoption. We are grateful to every
family who provides a safe, nurturing environment for their adopted
children. Last year, an estimated 51,000 children were adopted from our
Nation's foster care system, and tens of thousands more were adopted
through private agencies and from overseas. Today, more than 118,000
children remain in foster care in the United States awaiting adoption.
On November 19, National Adoption Day, thousands of these children will
celebrate the finalization of their adoptions and go to

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their new homes, secure in the love of families they can now call their
My Administration remains committed to encouraging adoption. This year,
24 States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
were recognized through our Adoption Incentives Program for their
efforts to enhance their adoption and child welfare programs. These
efforts have contributed to an increase in adoptions from 28,000 per
year in 1996 to an estimated 51,000 in 2004. In addition, the
AdoptUSKids initiative, which includes public service announcements in
English and Spanish and a website, www.AdoptUSKids.org, has helped place
more than 5,000 children in permanent homes over the last 3 years.
As we observe National Adoption Month, we recognize the many caring
families who have made a difference in a child's life through adoption.
By giving these children the love, guidance, and support they need to
grow, adoptive and foster families play a vital role in helping the next
generation of Americans achieve their dreams.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2005 as National
Adoption Month. I call on all Americans to observe this month with
appropriate programs and activities to honor adoptive families and to
participate in efforts to find permanent homes for waiting children.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand five, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and