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2013 Press Releases

Quigley Joins President at White House for Release of Gun Proposals

"The President’s proposals represent the type of commonsense gun control policies that most Americans want, including gun owners," said Rep. ...

2013 Press Releases

Quigley, Deutch and Connolly Introduce Bill to Support Gun Buyback Initiatives

“The Buyback our Safety Act is a commonsense approach to gun violence that will help keep our communities safer by expanding successful buyback initiatives to the areas that need them most,” said Rep. Quigley. ...

2013 Press Releases

Quigley Announces Staff Changes

Quigley named Mary Ann Levar as his new District Director and Laura Sisemore as his new Communications Director following the departure of District Director and longtime communications advisor Aviva ...

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Quigley Joins President at White House for Release of Gun Proposals PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 16 January 2013 00:00

WASHINGTON - Today, U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) was in attendance at the White House when President Obama announced proposals to reduce and prevent gun violence.  Rep. Quigley released the following statement:

“The President’s proposals represent the type of commonsense gun control policies that most Americans want, including gun owners.  When you put a 30 round clip in an assault weapon, you’re not hunting deer, you are hunting people. Efforts to limit high capacity ammunition magazines, require universal background checks, and support mental health are the reasonable, middle-ground policies we need to balance public safety with Second Amendment rights.”


Rep. Quigley has a long history of pushing for commonsense gun control reforms and has called on Congress to stand up to the gun lobby in order to address the growing problem of gun violence in America. Yesterday Rep. Quigley, Rep. Ted Deutch (FL-21), and Rep. Gerry Connolly (VA-11) introduced the Buyback our Safety Act to bolster gun buyback initiatives. He also plans to reintroduce the Trafficking Reduction and Criminal Enforcement (TRACE) Act, which would provide the ATF with the resources it needs to effectively combat illegal gun flow in America.  Rep Quigley also spearheaded the effort to file a “friend of the court” amicus brief, urging the Supreme Court to allow Chicago’s handgun ban to stand



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