Blue Dog Coalition

Blue Dog News Releases

Contact: Brad Howard 202-226-9782

President Signs Into Law Blue Dog-Endorsed Bill on Improper Payments
Blue Dogs Say Compromise, Cooperation Necessary in Budget Battles Facing Congress
January 10, 2013

Washington - Today, President Barack Obama signed into law a Blue Dog-endorsed bill that could save taxpayers $125 billion annually by helping to eliminate improper payments, among other provisions.  H.R. 4053, the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Improvement Act (IPERIA), will better identify, prevent and recover payment error, waste, fraud and abuse within federal spending.  

The bill, which passed the House and Senate without a single no vote, was endorsed by the fiscally conservative, Democratic Blue Dog Coalition in February 2012 and 18 of the bill’s 20 cosponsors in the House were Blue Dogs.  The legislation was introduced and championed by Rep. Kurt Schrader, D-Ore., Blue Dog Co-Chair for Communications, along with Reps. Edolphus “Ed” Towns, D-N.Y., and Todd Platts, R-Pa.

“This is a prime example of how both parties and both chambers can work together to pass commonsense reforms that will save taxpayers billions,” said Schrader.  “I want to thank the Blue Dog Coalition for championing this bill’s passage and am pleased the President signed it into law today.”

According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), federal agencies reported an estimated $125.4 billion in improper payments in FY2010.  Among many other provisions, this new bill will help federal agencies cut down on wasteful spending by creating a government-wide Do Not Pay List to block improper payments before they go out and to stop payments to deceased individuals, such as for Social Security.  

Schrader added, “As we face several critical budget battles in the months ahead, we have two options.  We can draw lines in the sand, irresponsibly refuse to compromise, have our credit rating downgraded and bring our economy to the brink once more.  Or, we can finally face the problems at hand and work together to get this nation’s fiscal house back in order.  Blue Dogs have always endorsed the latter approach, and we will continue to be active and engaged with key stakeholders throughout these budget battles and throughout the 113th Congress.”


The fiscally conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition was formed in 1995 with the goal of representing the center of the House of Representatives and appealing to the mainstream values of the American public.  The Blue Dogs are dedicated to a core set of beliefs that transcend partisan politics, including a deep commitment to the financial stability and national security of the United States.  Visit the Blue Dog website at to learn more.  You can also get up-to-the-minute news updates on Twitter at 

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