• Develop advanced XSLT stylesheets
  • Visually Edit XML Schema
  • Debug XSLT and XQuery files
  • Generate XSD and XSL documentation
  • Connect and manage XML Databases
  • Validate and transform XML files


  • Visually edit XML documents
  • Publish in a variety of formats
  • Use DITA, DocBook or other frameworks
  • Collaborate with team members
  • Connect to CMSes, WebDAV and FTP
  • Validate and transform XML files
  • Like it

<oXygen/> XML Editor version 14.1

Features What is new

<oXygen/> is the best XML editor available, with a large number of users ranging from beginners to XML experts. It is the only XML tool that supports all the XML schema languages. The XSLT and XQuery support is enhanced with powerful debuggers and performance profilers. You can use <oXygen/> XML Editor to work with all XML-based technologies including XML databases, XProc pipelines, and web services.

Specially tuned for content authors, <oXygen/> XML Author comes with a configurable and extensible visual editing mode based on W3C CSS stylesheets with ready-to-use DITA, DocBook, TEI and XHTML support, making <oXygen/> the ideal XML authoring solution.

<oXygen/> XML Editor is a cross-platform application available on all the major operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris) and can be used either standalone or as an Eclipse plugin.

Key features


Different perspectives: XML Editor, XSLT Debugger, XQuery Debugger, XML Databases, XML Tree Viewer/Editor. The views inside the <oXygen/> window are dockable, floating and hideable.
Manage and share transformation scenarios together with the project.Share any of the <oXygen/> XML Editor options together with the project.
Batch validation and batch transformations.Multi-line find and replace support allows regular expressions, is XML aware and can handle multiple files.
Intelligent XML editing

Intelligent XML editing

The best content completion support offering XML elements, attributes, values (handling ID references, enumerations and list values).Edit with ease XML documents consisting of repetitive patterns using the spreadsheet-like XML Grid Editor.
Schema annotations/DTD comments presented next to the content completion proposals.<oXygen/> XML Editor provides editing and validation support for NVDL scripts and for XML documents associated with NVDL scripts.
Context sensitive content assistant driven by XML Schema, Relax NG, NVDL, DTD or by the document structure. XML document wizards and XML code templates (abbreviations).
Tree based XML Outliner synchronized in real time with the edited document.New XML document wizards to easily create XML documents specifying a schema or a DTD.
Source folding support with powerful manipulation actions and persistence.Schema Model View presenting schema information about the current XML element.
Format and indent of XML files.
XML Validation

XML Validation

Validate XML documents with XML Schemas, Relax NG, DTD, NVDL and Schematron schema or embedded Schematron rules.Edit and validate support for XML Schema (visual diagram), Relax NG (visual diagram), NVDL scripts, DTD, Schematron.
Multiple validation engines: Xerces, XSV, LIBXML, MSXML 4.0, MSXML.NET, Saxon EE and SQC XML Validation and Well-Formedness Check with XInclude and XML Catalog support.
Easy error tracking - locate the error source by clicking on it, visual markers and overview ruler in the XML editor.Link to the exact location in the specification for XML Schema errors.
XML Schema Modeling

XML Schema Modeling

Visual diagram based XML schema editor, RelaxNG Schema Editor.Refactoring actions.
Include/Import graph.Component dependencies analyzer.
Generate HTML or PDF documentation from W3C XML Schemas.Support for generating large sets of sample XML instances from W3C XML Schema.
XSL/XSLT Support

XSL/XSLT Support

XSLT 1.0, XSLT 2.0 and XSLT 3.0 editing, validation, transformation, debugging and profiling support.Multiple XSLT processors: Xalan 2.7.1, Saxon 6.5.5, Saxon EE, XSLTProc and MSXML3.0/4.0/.NET 1.0/2.0.
XSLT debugging using multiple built-in processors: Xalan 2.7.1, Saxon 6.5.5, Saxon Home Edition, Saxon Professional Edition as well as the schema-aware Saxon Enterprise Edition.Easy XSLT/XQuery transformation and XML validation management with reusable scenarios.
Powerful XSLT search and refactoring actions working across multiple files.Preview the transformation results as XHTML, XML or in your browser.
XSLT Stylesheet documentation in HTML.
XQuery Support

XQuery Support

Browse, edit or query using XQuery and SQL native XML or relational databases.Mapping from the XSLT or XQuery output result to the source and stylesheet or XQuery file locations.
XQuery 1.0 editing, validation, transformation debugging and profiling support.Integrated XQuery Debugger for the MarkLogic XML Database.
XQuery Profiler.
XPath Support

XPath Support

XPath evaluation and syntax checking, XPath content completion support.Content completion with functions and annotations.
XPath Builder View. XPath functions in content completion in Schematron.
Native XML and Relational Databases

Native XML and Relational Databases

Management support for the relational databases: Oracle 11g R1, IBM DB2 Pure XML, Microsoft SQLServer 2008.Management support for the XML Databases: Documentum xDb, MarkLogic, eXist, Berkeley DB XML.
Import from relational databases and other sources to XML.Browse, edit or query using XQuery and SQL native XML or relational databases.
Single Source XML Publishing

Single Source XML Publishing

Visual WYSIWYG XML editing mode, based on W3C CSS stylesheets.Ready to use visual editing support for DocBook, DITA, TEI, XHTML.
Visual DITA Maps Manager, closely integrated with DITA Open Toolkit.FO transformations using embedded Apache's FOP to generate PDF or PS files from XML documents.
Support for external Formatting Object Processors.Unicode and Spell-checking with multi-language support: English, German, French, Italian, Japanese and Dutch.
<oXygen/> XML Editor includes the DocBook, DITA and TEI documentation frameworks.Support for CALS and HTML tables.
Preconfigured publishing scenarios for: HTML, WebHelp, PDF, Eclipse/Windows help.<oXygen/> provides support for editing, validating and creating EPUB files. Predefined transformation scenarios allow you to publish DITA and DocBook documents to EPUB.
Access to CMSes and Remote Resources

Access to CMSes and Remote Resources

Documentum Content Management System (CMS) IntegrationSupport for editing remote XML files over FTP/SFTP, HTTP/WebDAV and HTTPS/WebDAV.
Any WebDAV enabled CMS


Keep track of the changes you make to a document using the track changes feature. You can examine and merge differences between XML documents using the built-in XML Diff and Merge tool.
Fully-fledged client for the Apache SubversionTM (SVN) versioning system.
Support for Office Documents

Support for Office Documents

Ready to use validation, editing and processing support for Microsoft® Office 2007 - Office Open XML (OOXML).Ready to use validation, editing and processing support for Open Document Format (ODF) and other ZIP-based packages.


Conversions from DTD, Relax NG or a set of XML documents to XML Schema, DTD or Relax NG.Canonicalization and digital signature of XML documents.
WSDL SOAP analyzer.Large File Viewer (up to 10 GB).
Contribution to Open Source Projects

Contribution to Open Source Projects

<oXygen/> XML Editor makes available an open source NVDL implementation, oNVDL based on Jing.


<oXygen/> XML Editor is available as standalone desktop or Java Web Start application, or as an Eclipse plugin.No platform lock-in, the same license can be used on any platform with any distribution of the XML editor.

What Is New in <oXygen/> XML Editor 14.1

October 19, 2012

Version 14.1 of <oXygen/> XML Editor makes XML authoring available to everybody, by allowing attributes to be edited directly in the Author view through form like controls and placing actions directly in the document flow. This expands the range of XML documents that can be edited visually from text-centric to data oriented documents.

The built-in frameworks support was improved, especially the DITA support which features better error reporting and a rename/move topic refactoring action.

The XML developers can use <oXygen/> XML to start experimenting with the new XML Schema 1.1 standard, while the huge XML files support allows them to edit multi GB documents.

As many partners depend now on <oXygen/> XML for their solutions, a lot of effort was put into improving and expanding the API to allow them to develop more integrated oXygen-powered applications.

As usual, <oXygen/> updates many components to their latest versions, the embedded SVN client supports now Subversion 1.7 and the Eclipse plugin distribution works with Eclipse version 4.2.

There are changes in:

Form-based Editing in Author

Edit Attributes Directly in the Author View

XML attributes can be presented using check boxes, drop downs, text fields, date pickers, etc. directly in the Author editing mode, thus making them easily accessible to all users. This new form based editing functionality allows <oXygen/>XML Author to be a solution not only for narrative documents like DITA and DocBook, but practically for any type of XML document that may contain data, narrative content or a mix of them.

Trigger Actions Directly from the Author View

Specific actions can be embedded in the rendered document allowing the users to easily trigger them directly. This simplifies the user experience as instead of having a complex toolbar to hold all possible actions you can just place them directly in the Author mode, in the appropriate locations. For example, deleting a point of interest from a travel guide can be triggered by a "remove" action placed just below the point of interest.
Trigger Actions Directly from the Author View

Edit Profiling Attributes Using Form Controls

<oXygen/> allows you to edit displayed profiling attributes in the Author mode using a pop-up selector form control. This enhances user productivity when working on heavily profiled documents.
Edit Profiling Attributes Using Form Controls

Form-based Element Editing

The new form controls can be used not only for attributes but also to edit XML element values, when these have simple types (no nested elements), for example dates, numbers, boolean values, text, etc.

Improved Author Review Support

Track Changes-Aware Outline View

When track changes is enabled, deleted or inserted elements are highlighted both in the editing area and in the Outline view. Deleted elements are rendered with strike-through characters, while inserted elements are underlined.
Track Changes-Aware Outline View

Compact Display of Callouts

The reviewing callouts are no longer pushed outside the visible area in case the document you are editing contains wide images or space-preserve text sections. The background of the callout becomes semitransparent allowing you to view and edit the underlying content.
Compact Display of Callouts

Author CSS Extensions

Form-based Editing

To enable the new form-based editing functionality, <oXygen/> XML provides two CSS extension functions: oxy_editor and oxy_label.

Support for Cyrillic Characters in the list-style-type CSS Property

The support for list-style-type CSS property was improved with the addition of the following values: -oxy-lower-cyrillic-ru, -oxy-lower-cyrillic-uk, -oxy-upper-cyrillic-ru, and -oxy-upper-cyrillic-uk.
Support for Cyrillic Characters in the list-style-type CSS Property

Support for Specifying Widths to Inline Elements

Added support for the width property of inline elements making possible to create table-like layouts for various XML structures.

Support for Background Images

The CSS 2.1 background-image, background-repeat, and background-position properties are supported in <oXygen/> XML.

Support for Semitransparent Colors

Added support for semitransparent colors specified using the CSS3 rgba function. This, together with the background image support, makes it possible to create very attractive user interfaces - check out the new travel guide sample located in the install folder of <oXygen/> XML.

Support for Configuring Specific Background and Foreground Tag Colors for Any XML Element

The -oxy-tags-background-color and -oxy-tags-color CSS properties allow you to control the background and foreground colors for any particular XML element.
Support for Configuring Specific Background and Foreground Tag Colors for Any                   XML Element


Refactoring Action to Move or Rename DITA Topics

You can safely rename or move a topic to a new location using the new DITA-aware refactoring actions. These actions also automatically update all the references to that topic in all the topics and maps that refer it, starting with the current DITA map opened in the DITA Maps Manager view.
Move or Rename a Topic Referenced in the DITA Maps Manager View

In-Place Attributes Editing for DITA Maps

When a DITA Map is edited in the Author mode, a new alternate CSS is available, allowing you to edit topic reference attributes in-place, using the new form controls support.
Support for In-Place Attributes Editing When a DITA Map Is Opened in the                   Author Mode

Import Profiling Attributes from DITAVAL Files

<oXygen/> XML enables the profiling support when profiling attributes are defined in its options. Now you can import profiling attributes from your existing .ditaval files. You can merge these new profiling attributes with the existing ones, or replace them completely.

Improved Error Reporting

<oXygen/> XML provides a link to a documentation page for errors detected while running a DITA Open Toolkit transformation. The DITA map Validate and Check For Completeness action provides more options, runs up to 5 times faster than before and has more precise localization for the detected errors.

Better Support for Very Large DITA Maps

The opening time for very large DITA Maps was reduced, this action being about 5 times faster than before.

Support for keyref to Metadata

When a keyref to metadata defined in the DITA Map is present in a topic, the referenced content is presented in-place as a read-only section.

Upgraded DITA OT to Version 1.6.1

The DITA Open Toolkit was upgraded to version 1.6.1.

DocBook Visual Editing

Select or Search to Insert Cross References in DocBook Documents

The actions for inserting cross references (links or xrefs) now show a dialog which allows you to easily select or search for the target of the link either in the current file or in an included module.

Improved XInclude Insertion Dialog

The action for inserting an xi:include now shows a preview of each possible target element thus allowing you to see what it will be included by selecting that element.

XML Schema 1.1 Support

<oXygen/> improves the XML Schema 1.1 support, extending most of the XML Schema features to include XML Schema 1.1 capabilities. The XML Schema 1.1 support can be enabled from the "XML / XML Parser / XML Schema" preferences page in the <oXygen/> options dialog.

XML Documents Validation and Content Completion Based on XML Schema 1.1

The validation and content completion assistant is available when editing XML documents against the new XML Schema 1.1 schemas.

XML Schema Validation and Content Completion

The validation and content completion assistant is available when editing XML Schema 1.1 files in the Text mode.
XML Schema 1.1 Support

Flatten Schema

The Flatten Schema action was updated to support XML Schema 1.1.

Resource Hierarchy/Dependencies and Refactoring Actions

The Resource Hierarchy/Dependencies view, Component Dependencies, and the Search and Refactoring actions were updated to support XML Schema 1.1.

Schema Model View

The Model View provides XML Schema 1.1 related information for elements and attributes of the edited document like open content, the new wildcards, type alternatives, etc.

Master Files

The Master Files support was updated to handle also XML Schema 1.1 schemas.

XML Schema 1.1 Support Limitations:

  • Editing XML Schema 1.1 files in the Schema Design mode does not present XML Schema 1.1 specific components
  • Generating XML Schema Documentation does not handle XML Schema 1.1 specific components
  • The support for generating XML instances based on XML Schema ignores XML Schema 1.1 specific components

Huge XML Files Support

Work with Huge XML Files

<oXygen/> XML provides support for opening and editing huge XML files (multi GByte files). The huge files support is generally limited to simple editing plus some useful actions like Find, Validate on Request, and Spell Checking.

Eclipse Plugin

Support for Eclipse 4.2 (Juno)

The <oXygen/> XML Eclipse plugin now supports Eclipse 4.2 in addition to the already supported previous versions of Eclipse (3.4 - 3.7).


Multi-monitor Editing Support

You can drag edited files outside the main application window to expand your working area, allowing you to take full advantage of multiple monitors.
Multimonitor Editor Support

Support for Importing XLSX Documents

Importing Excel 2007 + (2007, 2010, 2012) documents is now supported.

Import Data from Various Sources

The support for importing data from text files, MS Excel sheets, HTML files, and databases to XML is now also available in <oXygen/> XML Author.
Import Data from Various Sources in the XML Author

More Flexible Quick Find

Quick Find was enhanced to be supported in all text components.

SVN Client

Support for SVN 1.7

The embedded SVN Client supports SVN 1.7.5, allowing you to take advantage of the latest SVN improvements and fixes. Previous SVN versions and older working copies are also supported. New SVN 1.7 working copies can be easily identified by the information in the status bar.
Support for SVN 1.7

Extended Support for Exporting Files

The support for exporting files from a repository was made available also in the Repositories and Revision Graph views. Now in the Repositories view it is possible to export both directories and individual files.

Full Support for "svn add"

The "svn add" command and all its options are fully supported. The resources not under version control are collected automatically from any directory of a working copy.

Improved Handling of Unversioned and Ignored Directories

Processing content of unversioned or ignored directories can be avoided using new options added in the Working Copy view. The SVN Client can be configured to ignore content of such directories, speeding up the loading of a working copy as well as other SVN operations.
Improved Handling of Unversioned and Ignored Directories

New Working Copy Data and Improved Representation

The local modification time of files and the local revision of any working copy item were added in the Working Copy view. Other changes include dimmed rendering of ignored resources and improved sorting speed of working copy data.

Improvements and Bug Fixes

The new version comes with various improvements and bug fixes, like corrections regarding the states and types of the working copy items, speed improvements on loading the working copy information, caching and auto-refreshing, and many others.

Updated Components

Support for Xerces Version 2.11.0

The Xerces validation engine was upgraded to version 2.11.0.

Support for Saxon Version

The Saxon processor was upgraded to version

Support for MarkLogic 6

<oXygen/> has been updated to work with MarkLogic 6.

Extended API

A detailed list of all changes to the Java API can be found here.

SDK Mailing List

Join the <oXygen/> developers community! You can now use the oXygen-sdk list to stay up-to-date with the latest API changes, discuss issues and find solutions from developers working with the Plugins, Author Component or Author SDK.

Use Your Own Controls for Editing Attributes and Simple Element Values in the Author Mode

If the predefined controls are not enough, the package ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.editor contains the API necessary to build your custom form-based editors for attribute and text values in the Author mode. To get you started the Java sources for the SimpleURLChooserEditor are available in the Author SDK.

Added JUnit Base Class API for Testing Plugins and Frameworks

The base class PluginWorkspaceTCBase can be used to construct automated JUnit tests for your custom plugins and frameworks. More information is available in the user manual.

Added Predefined Operations for Modifying Author Nodes Using XSLT or XQuery

The predefined operations ro.sync.ecss.extensions.commons.operations.XSLTOperation and ro.sync.ecss.extensions.commons.operations.XQueryOperation can be used in your custom actions to modify the XML content in the Author mode. This make possible to create custom actions with no Java knowledge by just providing XSLT or XQuery scripts.

Ability to Construct a Toolbar with All Actions Defined at Framework Level in the Author Component

The AuthorComponentProvider.createExtensionActionsToolbars() API gives you the possibility to construct a toolbar with all the actions defined at framework level in exactly the same order in which they have been added to the toolbars from the Document Type Edit dialog.

Ability to Navigate Through the Document

The WSAuthorEditorPageBase.goToNextEditablePosition(int) method allows you to jump to the next editable position, similarly to using the Tab key.

The WSAuthorEditorPageBase.editAttribute(AuthorElement, String) method allows you to identify an in-place editor for the given attribute and edit it.

Check If a Certain Page Is Editable

The WSTextBasedEditorPage.isEditable() method allows you to check if a certain page is editable.

Working with Highlights and Change Tracking

The AuthorPersistentHighlighter.canAddHighlight(int, int) method allows you to check if a custom highlight can be added between certain offsets.

The AuthorPersistentHighlighter.getHighlights(int, int), AuthorReviewController.getCommentHighlights(int, int) and AuthorChangeTrackingController.getChangeHighlights(int, int) methods allows you to find all highlights for a certain type intersecting a certain offset range.

The AuthorChangeTrackingController.accept() and AuthorChangeTrackingController.reject() methods allows you to accept or reject changes either individually or in a certain range.

Add Pop-up Menu Customizer in the Text Page

The WSTextEditorPage.addPopUpMenuCustomizer(TextPopupMenuCustomizer) method allows you to set a pop-up menu customizer for the Text page.

Allow Author Access from the Plugin Side

The WSAuthorEditorPage.getAuthorAccess() method allows you to obtain the AuthorAccess API from an WSAuthorEditorPage. This is useful if you want to write utility methods used both in a framework and in a plugin.

Access Information About the Data Sources Configured in the Application

The Workspace.getDataSourceAccess() method allows you to obtain information about the various database or remote connections which have been configured in the preferences by the user.

Eclipse Extension-Point for Customizing the Main and the Internal Author Toolbar

The extension point com.oxygenxml.editor.actionBarContributorCustomizer in your custom plugin can return an ActionBarContributorCustomizer implementation which can filter items added to the main toolbar and to the internal Author toolbar.

Present Validation Problems List in the Author Component

Using the existing ValidationProblemsFilter API and the new WSTextBasedEditorPage.getStartEndOffsets(DocumentPositionedInfo) API the Author Component sample can also present a list with all validation problems found in the XML document.

Scroll Author Mode to a Specific Area

Added possibility to make a specific area of the Author mode visible using the WSAuthorEditorPageBase.scrollToRectangle(Rectangle) method