Paul Broun

Georgia's 10th District

Dr. Broun Speaks on the Bill of Rights

December 15, 2011 "I rise today to commemorate the two hundred and twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Bill of Rights to our U.S. Constitution. Some of our most basic freedoms and governing principles are laid out in this precious document; the Amendments listed were meant to protect our liberty and property and they serve as a constant reminder that our nation was meant to be free and rich in culture. Today's modern government has sadly strayed so far away from the vision our Founding Fathers had when they ratified the Bill of Rights. It seems like every day we lose a little bit more of our freedom to the ideals of big government and to the standards of a socialist nation. In Hosea 4:6 God said "My people are destroyed from a lack of knowledge." Please read the Constitution, read the Bill of Rights, and teach it to your children and grandchildren so that we can come together and demand a constitutionally limited government as our Founding Fathers intended. We need to begin to rebuild the principles that this nation was built upon that made our country so great and so powerful. The only way we will do that is by becoming knowledgeable."