Still no GOP plan to 'replace'

John Boehner leaves the House chamber Wednesday. | AP Photo

The House GOP has fallen short of what it promised on health care. | AP Photo

Even as they cheer their “Obamacare” repeal vote, here’s a reality check: House Republicans have done next to nothing they promised they would when it comes to health care.

Sure, they’ve voted to kill parts of President Barack Obama’s law more than 30 times, slashing funding, using the votes as red meat to rally the base — even squeezing some into law.

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But they’ve fallen short of what they promised the American people they would do when it comes to actual health care policy.

Flash back to the campaign promises of 2010: GOP leadership told voters they would “enact medical liability reform,” allow Americans to buy health insurance across state lines, expand health savings accounts, “ensure access for patients with pre-existing conditions” and “permanently prohibit taxpayer funding of abortion.”

(Also on POLITICO: Voters shift on health care constitutionality)

Eighteen months after taking the majority, they’ve passed only two of those: an abortion bill and liability legislation.

Republican leaders have passed a resolution asking committees to draft a replacement for the Obama health care law, but don’t look for any thick, comprehensive proposals; they don’t exist.

Also, when Republicans passed their repeal of the health care law Wednesday, they did it using a restrictive floor process that limits debate and minority party amendments, which they had said they would avoid.

Rep. Randy Hultgren (R-Ill.), who snatched his seat from a Democrat in 2010 who voted for the law, says he’s ready to pass health care bills. There’s only one thing stopping him.

“I’d love to do them,” he said. “I’m not in leadership. I’d love to dig into this stuff.”

The retort from Republicans is simple: They don’t have to replace the health care law. The Democratic Senate won’t take any of their ideas anyway. And politically, they can bank on public distaste from the Supreme Court ruling, anger at stubbornly high unemployment rates and what Republicans frame as the bill’s adverse impact on small businesses.

That’s not what they were saying in 2010. Then, they wrote that Obama’s plan expanded “the size and scope of government with more debt, higher taxes and burdensome mandates.”

“Americans are calling for reforms that lower costs for families and small businesses; increase access to affordable, high-quality care; and strengthen the doctor-patient relationship,” they wrote. “We have a plan to do just that.”

They didn’t say they would repeal it, wait until they have a Republican Senate and White House and then replace it.

Some lawmakers have offered bills that, if passed, would make good on the Republican pledge. Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, for instance, introduced legislation that allows for the sale of insurance across state lines. And Rep. Paul Broun of Georgia has a comprehensive health overhaul bill.

Both are in holding patterns.

Asked if he thought Republican leaders could move the bills before the end of the year, Broun sounded a pessimistic note.

“I doubt it, because Barack Obama is going to obstruct any effort Republicans have made for political purposes,” he said.

Michael Steel, a spokesman for Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), said the House Republicans’ “focus has been on repealing this law, because it is making it harder for small businesses to create jobs. Once that is accomplished, we can begin working to enact common-sense, step-by-step reforms like the ones outlined in the Pledge to America.”


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