
Contact: Ed McDonald 202.225.3065

Coble votes for balanced budget

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Washington, Nov 18, 2011 -


    (Washington, D.C.)----Even though it failed to receive the two-thirds majority needed for passage, U.S. Rep. Howard Coble (R-NC) said today’s vote on a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution was important because the nation is swimming in red ink. "Our national debt has increased by more than $4 trillion since President Obama has been in office," Rep. Coble stated. "We cannot continue to ignore the damage that is being done to our citizens and generations to come."

    Congressman Coble was one of 236 Republicans and 25 Democrats who voted in favor of the balanced budget amendment. The 261 yes votes were short of the 290 needed to amend the Constitution. Four Republicans and 161 Democrats voted against the measure.

    "It has been said that those of us who favor the balanced budget amendment are insensitive and uncaring toward the elderly, the infirm, and the impoverished," Rep. Coble stated. "I deny that charge, but I believe that those who turn a blind eye to our soaring debt and the equally-soaring deficit may be guilty of being uncaring and insensitive by refusing to address the debt and deficit that continue to plague America. The same debt and deficit will continue to plague and frustrate the elderly, the infirm, the impoverished, as well as our grandchildren. America’s families – unlike our federal government – must live within their means. If they cannot afford goods and services, they don’t make the purchases. The federal government does not practice fiscal discipline. It is my belief that a balanced budget amendment would force the federal government to live within its means."

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