Peter King

New York's 2nd District

From Twitter
  • Follow @reppeteking on Twitter »
  • Discussed Sandy aid and Notre Dame defeating Alabama with @JoeNBC this morning:
  • Met with Speaker Boehner & he pledges to bring $60B Sandy aid bill to the floor by January 15. Very positive result.
  • We did everything Republican leadership asked regarding Sandy aid. Pork in Senate bill was taken out in House version:
  • House GOP has no problem finding NY to raise $. After Sandy snub, anyone from NY who donates now is out of their mind:
  • We have moral obligation 2 hold Sandy aid vote. People r out of their homes, cold, w/o food. They dont have time 2 wait
  • Will discuss disgraceful action by the House not letting vote on Hurricane Sandy aid on @FoxNews at 9:30am.
  • Happy New Year! Hope to pass Hurricane Sandy funding bill on House floor today.
  • I strongly support $60B Hurricane Sandy aid proposed in the House. I'm confident there will be strong bipartisan support when on floor tmrw.
  • While we wait on fiscal cliff, I just finished meeting with @GOPLeader and NY/NJ Republicans to finalize Hurricane Sandy aid strategy.
  • In Washington fighting hard to make sure New York/Long Island get the proper Hurricane Sandy funding.
  • I don't know if Dems r serious about coming up w/ resolution to fiscal cliff. There's talk they want us to go over it:
  • Merry Christmas to you and yours.
  • Discussed investigation of OBL raid information being given to "Zero Dark Thirty" filmmakers on @CNN this morning:
  • DoD IG referral to Justice Dept. re: leaks about OBL raid to filmmaker, is indication that our security was at risk:
  • Hope Im wrong but I dont think CT shooting will hav impact on gun debate in Congress. # of recent tragedies w/o action:
  • Doing all I can, but if Congress doesn't approve Sandy aid for NY before Christmas I don't think it'll get done. Too many oppose it in DC.
  • My thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this terrible tragedy in Connecticut.
  • Discussing Hurricane Sandy aid for NY with @NYGovCuomo during a meeting of New York lawmakers at Gov's office in NYC:
  • Sandy $ request comes @ bad time w/ fiscal cliff. Gives excuse 2 slow it down. Rest of country needs 2 realize severity
  • Will discuss Hurricane Sandy aid for New York at 5pm on @CBSNewYork.
  • I don’t think Sandy aid should be offset. We haven't offset Katrina. This is a natural disaster & it is separate:
  • To help Hurricane Sandy victims w/ flood insurance, FEMA is expediting partial Nat'l Flood Insurance Program payments:
  • The $60.4B in Sandy disaster $ submittd by WH for New York & NE is a good #. I'm optimistic Congress will pass it soon:
  • $50 billion in disaster aid would be insufficient to meet severe needs faced by NY, NJ & other states affected by Sandy
  • Fire Departments impacted by Hurricane Sandy may be eligible for FEMA public assistance grants:
  • Yesterday's meeting with @SpeakerBoehner and @NYGovCuomo on Hurricane Sandy aid for New York was very positive.
  • Will be meeting with @SpeakerBoehner and @NYGovCuomo later this afternoon to discuss Hurricane Sandy aid for New York.
  • At @UJAfedNY breakfast in Manhattan this morning.
  • Some in Congress have hard time accepting NY evr needs $ Which is something we'll have 2 overcome 2 get propr Sandy aid
  • Will do all I can to get the proper Hurricane Sandy aid for New York from Congress:
  • .@nydailynews feels I have done the right thing standing up to Grover Norquist:
  • There’s nothing exaggerated in New York's Hurricane Sandy aid request. This is an absolute necessity:
  • While discussing @grovernorquist on @specialreport, @jonahnro asked how many divisions I have. Isn't that what Stalin asked about the Pope?
  • NY has secured $27 million federal grant 2 put 5,000 unemployed NYers 2 work cleaning up communities affected by Sandy:
  • With @NYGovCuomo earlier today planning a strategy for federal relief to assist those affected by Super Storm Sandy:
  • Here's @nydailynews article on me stepping down as @HouseHomeland Chairman due to term limits:
  • Meeting in Manhattan with @NYGovCuomo & NY delegation to coordinate federal efforts on Hurricane Sandy storm relief.
  • RT @meetthepress: SUNDAY: The view from Capitol Hill on Benghazi, Middle East, & Fiscal Cliff w/ @SenCarlLevin @RepPeteKing & @GregoryMeeks
  • Handed out Thanksgiving dinners to the needy and those affected by Hurricane Sandy at the Circle of Love Ministry in Copiague yesterday.
  • After all we've been through & are still going through in aftermath of Sandy, let's be especially thankful 4 loved ones. Happy Thanksgiving.
  • Some more nice words about me from @newsday!:
  • Additional info on FEMA STEP program which will help get those displaced by Hurricane Sandy back home quickly & safely:
  • Discussed my thoughts on Israel and Benghazi yesterday on @ThisWeekABC. Watch here:
  • Lots of myths regarding registering for Hurricane Sandy FEMA aid. Here are the facts:
  • Sent Pres. Obama 5 alternative uses for the estimated $165 million that he will spend to acquire Thomson Prison in IL:
  • More reaction to the death of NC Legislator Peter Schmitt, who was old politics at its best: &
  • Peter Schmitt was often politically incorrect & refreshingly honest. Ive never known any1 in gov't more dedicatd 2 doing what was right. RIP
  • Obama Admin promise GITMO terrorists won't b transferd 2 Thomson Prison in IL. I have trouble believing their promises:
  • Proud to be part of the effort to keep cop killers in jail:
  • My thoughts on possible investigations into deadly attack on US embassy in Benghazi as well as Obama Admin's response:
  • Will appear on @FoxNews at 10:30 a.m. to discuss Susan Rice and Libya.
  • The new @JetBlue terminal at JFK will help the economy and benefit Long Islanders:
  • Will appear on @TheKudlowReport at 7pm to discuss my call for the resignation of Susan Rice.
  • Discussed my call for the resignation of Susan Rice on @FoxNews yesterday. Watch:
  • There should be consequences for Susan Rice giving out misleading information. Intentional or not. She should resign:
  • We were supposed 2 have learnd on 9/11 that we can no longer assume these attacks r criminal matters but are terrorism:
  • @ WPIX with Marvin Scott
  • Will discuss situation in Libya on @FoxNews at 6pm.
  • Last night, I met with the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, to discuss counter-terrorism measures:
  • Joining with West Babylon based Christian Assn of Nigerian-Americans to designate Boko Haram as Foreign Terrorist Org:
  • RT @IngrahamAngle: NY @RepPeteKing says Morsi was givn 3 days notice Cairo emb would b attackd. Why do we keep giving Egypt billions in aid?
  • RT @IngrahamAngle: NY @RepPeteKing on Obama admin's handling of embassy attacks: "I'd call it amateur hour if it wasn't so serious"
  • Still waiting for Obama Administration to confirm that "blind sheikh" will die in a U.S. prison:
  • Discussed the Obama Administration playing word games with release of "blind sheikh" this morning with @jrg710. Listen:
  • Will discuss terror attack on U.S. embassy on @CBSNewYork at 5pm, @MyFoxNY at 6pm, @TheKudlowReport at 7pm & @AndersonCooper at 8:30pm.
  • For five days the Obama Administration has told a false story about the deadly attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi:
  • On @FoxNews right now discussing attacks on U.S. embassies.
  • My opening statement at this morning's @HouseHomeland hearing assessing DHS and a roadmap for its future:
  • Discussed the real cause of attacks on U.S. embassies on @FoxNews last night. Watch:
  • Last minute prep for @HouseHomeland hearing on assessment of DHS current ops & potential future reforms. Watch at 10am:
  • Being interviewed for @FoxNews Special Report with @BretBaier re: U.S. embassy violence to be aired at 6pm:
  • Demanding that Obama Administration reject Egypt’s request that the U.S. release "blind sheikh" from federal prison:
  • Questioned why U.S. embassies were not more secure on 11th anniversary of 9/11 with @SeanHannity last night:
  • Will discuss deadly demonstration in Middle East at 5pm on @News12LI, 6pm on @MyFoxNY and 9:20pm on @FoxNews with @SeanHannity.
  • Here's a behind the scenes look at @meetthepress from my appearance yesterday:
  • Appeared on @meetthepress yesterday and discussed deadly attacks on U.S. Embassies: &
  • Discussed deadly demonstrations in Middle East & Pres. Obama's foreign policy with @Soledad_OBrien this morning:
  • In DC on the set getting for Meet the Press
  • Will discuss foreign policy on @meetthepress this Sunday at 10:30am.
  • Will convene a @HouseHomeland hearing on 9/20 to assess DHS’s current operations & potential future reforms:
  • The United States needs to do whatever we have to do to protect American lives and get this situation under control:
  • My thoughts on American aid to Egypt & Libya in the wake of this week's events:
  • Video feed for House Intelligence Committee hearing on security threat posed by Chinese telecom companies Huawei & ZTE:
  • Outraged by attack on our diplomats in Libya. It is imprt that swift justice be dealt to those who perpetrated attacks:
  • .@TheHill story on my thoughts re: funding for 9/11 first-responders under Zadroga Act:
  • It’s our moral obligation to stand by those who put their lives on the line on 9/11 & the days, weeks, & mos afterward:
  • We collectively pause to remember the nearly 3,000 innocent Americans killed by al-Qaeda terrorists 11 years ago...:
  • Fox 5 interview in 2 minutes
  • Sharing memories of 9/11 with NYPD Commisioner Ray Kelly
  • Near Ground Zero awaiting interviews with CNN and Fox News
  • Will appear on @am970TheAnswer tomorrow morning at 8:25 a.m. to discuss the 11th anniversary of 9/11 with @CurtisSliwa.
  • Will discuss 11th anniversary of 9/11 tomorrow morning on @StartingPtCNN at 8:50 a.m. and @FoxNews at 10:30 a.m. Never forget.
  • Having dinner at 7:30pm with firefighters from Engine 7, Ladder 1 in Lower Manhattan near Ground Zero tonight.
  • Speaking this morning in Bethpage at security briefing about active shooter incidents-great community turnout
  • I strongly support Administration’s belated decision to designate Haqqani Network as a Foreign Terrorist Organization:
  • NYPD will share $18 million federal grant to help spot dirty bombs & other radiological threats across the NY region:
  • .@Salon has my thoughts regarding @AP article on NYPD's surveillance of Muslims:
  • My concerns about the next NYC Mayor:
  • Will appear on @ABCWorldNews at 6:30pm to discuss release of Navy SEAL book detailing Osama Bin Laden raid.
  • @EmpireStateBook