Idaho politics: Simpson says appointments 'fly in the face of the Constitution'

Second Congressional District Rep. Mike Simpson has joined 71 other GOP colleagues in protesting President Obama's recent "recess appointments."

Simpson, R-Idaho, has signed a resolution opposing the four appointments.

“Not only do the president’s sudden appointments made while Congress was not in session break a longstanding precedent, but, the fly in the face of the Constitution,” said Simpson. “The Constitution clearly states that, ‘Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting,’”

Here, in full, is the Simpson news release:

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson joined his Republican colleagues and cosponsored a resolution disapproving of the president’s recent appointments because of the manner in which they were made. There are currently 71 other cosponsors of this resolution, which was introduced today.

“Not only do the president’s sudden appointments made while Congress was not in session break a longstanding precedent, but, the fly in the face of the Constitution,” said Simpson. “The Constitution clearly states that, ‘Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting,’”

Under the Constitution, presidential appointments must be approved by the U.S. Senate. While the president has the power to make appointments while Congress is in recess, these particular appointments were made while the Senate was in pro forma session and when the House had not consented to an adjournment.

“I have long been an advocate for and believe in regular order for Congress. I appreciate and respect the rules that our forefathers put forth in order to allow the people to have a voice,” said Simpson. “In that respect, I also believe that the executive branch has the same obligation to abide by the rules and procedures lined out by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution. The Constitution sets out a clear process of checks and balances for presidential appointments that ensures that one branch of government does not become too powerful, and I am deeply concerned that the president seems intent on ignore constitutional precedent.”

The resolution addresses the so-called recess appointments of the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and three members of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). In particular, Senate Republicans have held up the nomination of the director for CFPB because of concern that the newly created agency is unaccountable to elected officials and not subject to the appropriations process.

President Obama only indicated his intent to nominate the three members of the NLRB board on Dec. 15 — two days before the Senate adjourned for the holiday. Thus, the Senate has not had the opportunity to even hold hearings to consider the president’s NLRB appointments.

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Funny how this never came up under Bush 1, II, and Reagan.

IIRC, that wonderful ambassodor of humanity, John Bolton

was appointed this way.

I know the Democrats were holding these fake sessions during the last two years of Bush II, and it was just as much BS then as it is now.

"No his mind is not for rent, to any god or government." Neil Peart

Good For Obama

Quit the dang partisan politics, Simpson. Get Off My Lawn!!!

Really, so he's complaining that someone out-gamed the

game he was playing? Opening a session for 1 min a day is pure BS, no matter which party does it.

"No his mind is not for rent, to any god or government." Neil Peart

Simpson loves a broken government

After all these years, Congressman Simpson should know that positions need to be filled so Government will work. Instead, he crys about how the President has wronged us, yada, yada.
I hope the appointments of the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the three appointed members of the National Labor Relations Board help keep the average guy out of the jaws of the GOP sharks. I hope they protect the consumer from the Banks' loan sharks and help get a living wage for John Q Public.
Oh, wait a minute; Appointees that help a working guy instead of the wealthy?
No wonder Representative Simpson has his feathers fluffed !