John Campbell

California's 45th District

Campbell: Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Equals 300,000 Small Business Jobs

May 14, 2012
Speaking on House floor in support of legislation to reauthorize the American Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank (H.R. 2072), Congressman John Campbell explains that benefits provided by the bank are vital to the strategic interests of the United States. Campbell points out that not only does the Ex-Im bank allow American companies to compete internationally on a level playing field through absolutely no cost or risk to the taxpayer, the bank's loans are the lifeblood for small businesses across the country. "Ex-Im Bank loans support roughly 300,000 U.S. jobs that produce those goods that are exported under those loans," concluded Campbell. "In this day, when we are looking for jobs in this country, these are 300,000 jobs supported by a bank that doesn't cost the taxpayer any money, that returns money to the taxpayer, and is clearly part of original (constitutional) intent." The House of Representatives voted to pass H.R. 2072 by a vote of 330-93. Connect with Rep. John Campbell: