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Make Art Happen 2013 Pogo Connect Pressure Sensitive Stylus for iPad Make Green Happen

Make Art Happen

Hey, what happened to that project? Time's flying, man. It's a new year. And you're not getting any younger.  But here's the offer: Tekserve is going to help. No excuses now. After all, artists are only as good as their tools, right?

Choosing the Right Stylus for Your iOS Device

When Apple reinvented the way mobile devices are controlled, it seemed as if the stylus would die off with this change. On the contrary, however, styli have likewise been reinvented…

Coming To  A Neighborhood Near You

Get a bunch of fun, new gadgets over the holidays? Instead of just throwing your old stuff in the trash, safely and properly dispose of it at one of the Lower East Side Ecology Center's recycling drives, conveniently located around NYC.