U.S. Representative Ed Royce

39th District of California
7/18/12 - Bill Carroll on KFI
Rep. Ed Royce, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade talks with KFI’s Bill Carroll about the latest events in Syria and the threat of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile falling into terrorist hands.


6/28/12 - Business Hour with Frank Mottek
KNX’s Frank Mottek talks with Rep. Royce regarding today’s ruling from the Supreme Court on the President’s health care law. Royce discussed what the decision means for small businesses and families in Orange County.


3/16/12 - KNX News with Dick Helton
KNX news anchor Dick Helton talks with Rep. Ed Royce about his efforts to put an end to Joseph Kony’s terror. Tens of millions of Americans have become aware of Kony, the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), through an unprecedented Internet campaign by Invisible Children. Throughout the LRA’s history, it is estimated to have forcibly conscripted 66,000 youths.


2/29/12 - Bill Carroll on KFI
On KFI's Bill Carroll Rep. Royce, Chairman of the Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade Subcommittee, discusses reports that North Korea has agreed to suspend uranium enrichment and to a moratorium on nuclear and long-range missile tests, as well as details of the Administration's proposed package of 240,000 metric tons of food aid to North Korea.


2/21/12 - BBC - The World Today
On BBC radio, Rep. Royce discusses his recently introduced legislation to update the State Department's Rewards Program to include those involved in transnational organized crime and others wanted for the most serious human rights abuses. Royce explained, that expanding this program gives us another tool to target the world's worst.


2/16/12 - KABC - McIntyre in the Morning
Rep. Royce discusses immigration enforcement and his support for the Stop Crime Petition, a transnational gang initiative, with radio host Doug McIntyre on KABC's McIntyre in the Morning.


1/25/12 - KABC - John Phillips
Royce discusses President Obama’s State of the Union address with KABC’s John Phillips. Royce and Phillips cover the economy and jobs, the debt and energy independence.


12/20/11 - KABC - Peter Tilden Morning Show
After Kim Jong Il’s death, Rep. Ed Royce talks with Peter Tilden on the future of North Korea, the stability of the region, and the country's opportunity for real reforms.


12/19/11 - Bill Carroll on KFI
Royce, a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, discusses the death of North Korea's dictator, Kim Jong-il with KFI's Bill Carroll.


12/17/11 - Royce on the Anti-Business Climate in California
Rep. Royce talks to Tammy Hotsenpiller about the regulations facing businesses in California and how this anti-business climate impacts the unemployment rate.


12/17/11 - KCAA - Tammy Hotsenpiller
On Tammy Hotsenpiller’s radio interview, Royce discusses the need for private sector job growth. As examples, Royce highlights the bipartisan Keystone XL energy project and the Small Business Lending Enhancement Act, legislation he introduced earlier this year that some have estimated will create 140,000 jobs.


12/15/11 - KNX 1070 Business Hour with Frank Mottek
Royce discusses MF Global’s collapse and gives an update on the status of legislation that extends the current payroll tax extension, reforms unemployment insurance and provides new incentives for job creation, including taking action on the bipartisan Keystone XL energy project.


12/6/11 - KNX News with Dick Helton
Rep. Royce talks with KNX 1070’s Dick Helton about the ongoing negations to extend the payroll tax cuts without adding to the deficit.


11/2/11 - KNX AM 1070
Rep. Royce talks with KNX 1070 AM (CBS radio in LA) correspondent Dick Helton about Republican efforts to cut the deficit and create jobs.


Listen to a few audio highlights of Rep. Ed Royce’s latest telephone town hall. Royce takes questions on spending cuts, energy, and the super committee. If you are interested in participating in one of Royce’s future telephone town hall meetings, please click here.


10/12/11 - Bill Carroll on KFI
On KFI’s Bill Carroll show, Rep. Royce, Chairman of the Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade Subcommittee, discusses narcoterrorism and the Iranian plot. Royce highlights the terrorist vulnerability along our southern border and emphasizes the failure of both the current and former administration to enforce immigration laws and secure our border.


10/10/11 - Frank Gaffney’s Secure Freedom Radio
As the Chairman of the Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade Subcommittee, Rep. Royce elaborates on Pakistan’s intelligence service the ISI and their lack of cooperation, national security issues, and the recent killing of American-born terrorist Anwar al-Alwaki.


Listen to a few audio highlights of Rep. Ed Royce’s latest telephone town hall. Royce takes questions on spending cuts and illegal immigration. If you are interested in participating in one of Royce’s future telephone town hall meetings, please click here.


9/14/11 - Rep. Royce’s Telephone Town Hall Highlights
Listen to a few audio clips from Rep. Royce’s recent telephone town hall meeting. Royce takes questions from his constituents on job creation, illegal immigration and government regulations. If you are interested in participating in one of Royce’s future town hall meetings, please click here.


9/9/11 - Bill Carroll on KFI
Rep. Royce discusses President Obama’s recent jobs speech and his column in The FlashReport with KFI's Bill Carroll.


7/13/11 - KNX Business Hour with Frank Mottek
Rep. Royce talks with KNX Business hour's Frank Mottek about Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke's recent testimony, the deficit and ongoing debt ceiling negotiations.


6/22/11 - Lou Dobbs Radio
Rep. Royce talks with Lou Dobbs about his support for the E-Verify legislation he recently cosponsored.  The Legal Workforce Act makes E-Verify a permanent nationwide program.


6/14/11 - KNX Business Hour with Frank Mottek
Rep. Royce talks with KNX’s Frank Mottek about the debt ceiling, jobs and today’s Financial Services Committee hearing on Too Big To Fail.


5/10/11 - KNX AM 1070
On with KNX, Rep. Royce reiterates border patrol concerns - that we do not have operational control of our borders; we cannot move forward until we enforce our immigration laws.


5/10/11 - Bill Carroll on KFI
Rep. Royce reacts to President Obama's immigration speech in El Paso with KFI's Bill Carroll.


5/2/11 - Bill Carroll on KFI
On KFI's Bill Carroll show, Rep. Royce, Chairman of the Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade Subcommittee, discusses the death of Osama bin Laden.


5/2/11 - Jim Thornton and Diane Thompson on KNX
The day after bin Laden's death, Rep. Royce, Chairman of the Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade Subcommittee, discusses the aftermath and what it means for the global war on terror with KNX's Jim Thornton and Diane Thompson.


4/10/11 - Frost Stilwell on KFI
On the Frost Stilwell show on KFI, Rep. Royce discusses the epic budget deficit and Rep. Paul Ryan's budget proposal "The Path to Prosperity."


4/9/11 - Charles Payne on KFI
Rep. Royce talks spending cuts and government shut down with host Charles Payne on KFI just a day after Congress averted a government shutdown.


4/6/11 - The Lars Larson Show
Rep. Royce discusses immigration on the Lars Larson Show during FAIR's 2011 Hold their Feet to the Fire event. This event included fifty talk radio hosts from all across the United States making it the largest immigration “town hall” on the airwaves to date.


4/5/11 - KNX Business Hour with Frank Mottek
Rep. Royce discusses the possibility of a government shutdown on KNX's Business Hour.


3/31/11 - KFI's Bill Carroll
Rep. Royce discusses his recent trip to the border and the immigration legislation he introduced yesterday on KFI's Bill Carroll show.


2/28/11 - Market Wrap with Moe Ansari
On Market Wrap with Moe Ansari, Rep. Royce talks about the implementation of Dodd-Frank and what, if any, changes are being made to the legislation. He also discussed too-big-to-fail and derivatives with Moe.


2/25/11 - KIRN Radio with Bobak Kahlour
On KIRN's 670 AM, Rep. Royce talks with Bobak Kahlour about his engagement with the Iranian American community in his district, the recent events in the Middle East, and countering Iran's nuclear program.


2/11/11 - KNX Business Hour with Frank Mottek
On KNX's Business Hour, Rep. Royce talks with Frank Mottek about the Obama Administration's GSE reform proposal, released earlier this morning.


2/10/11 - Lou Dobbs Radio
On Lou Dobbs Radio, Rep. Royce discusses his recent trip down to the US-Mexico border as well as his immigration legislation.


2/10/11 - Market Wrap with Moe Ansari
Market Wrap's Moe Ansari talks with Rep. Royce about the Administration's GSE reform proposal, slated to come out tomorrow.


2/2/11 - John and Ken
Rep. Royce discussed his trip to the US-Mexico border with KFI's John and Ken. Royce mentioned some of the challenges facing our Customs personnel and the Border Patrol including the rise in violence along the border.


1/31/11 - Dennis Prager
Mark Isler fills in for Dennis Prager and chats with Rep. Royce on the recent developments in Egypt.


9/2/10 - KNX Business Hour
KNX's Business Hour with Frank Mottek (1070 AM) gets Royce's reaction to permanent bailouts, too big to fail, and Bernanke's testimony during the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission hearing.


6/28/10 - KABC "Market Wrap with Moe Ansari"
Rep. Royce discusses the problems with the Frank-Dodd financial regulatory reform legislation. Royce and KABC host Moe Ansari also talk about the need to end Washington's out-of-control-spending.


6/25/10 - KNX Business Hour
Early this morning the Conference Committee on financial regulatory reform finished debate on legislation that fundamentally alters the structure of the US Financial Services sector. Rep. Ed Royce, a conferee on the committee, gives KNX Business Hour host Frank Mottek an overview of the final legislation.


6/24/10 - KNX Business Hour
Rep. Ed Royce discusses the financial regulatory reform debate with KNX Business Hour host Frank Mottek. Royce highlighted the need to include Fannie and Freddie reform in the financial regulatory reform legislation. The bailout of the two institutions has already cost taxpayers $145 billion.


3/10/10 - Dennis Prager
Royce discusses the latest on healthcare reform as well as Afghanistan, Iran, and terrorism with guest host Mark Isler.


1/12/10 - John and Ken
Royce discusses California's budget troubles, healthcare reform, illegal immigration and backroom deals in the Senate.


5/09/09 - Bedrock with Larry Greenfield
In the second half of Royce's interview with Larry Greenfield regarding national security, Royce talks about North Korea and Iran.


4/27/09 - Bedrock with Larry Greenfield
As the Ranking Member of the Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade Subcommittee, Rep. Royce discusses his recent trip to Pakistan and the threat a nuclear-armed Pakistan poses to the United States.


2/25/09 - KNX Business Hour
In response to Royce's concerns with deficit spending Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Bernanke, agreed that we can not continue on the path of deficit spending stating "obviously trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see would not be sustainable."  Frank Mottek got Royce's reaction to the hearing.


2/13/09 - KNX Business Hour
After Royce opposed the stimulus and voted no he discussed his concerns with the legislation on KNX. In particular the long term implications of this bill and what it will mean for our national debt. This stimulus package will be met by an increase in our $10 trillion government debt (primarily through borrowing) and an increase in future taxes. The American people deserve much better.


1/30/09 - Royce Gives Lunar New Year Message
During an interview with Action for Democracy in Vietnam Royce gave a Lunar New Year message to the people of Vietnam. Royce is known as a vocal advocate of freedom of expression in Vietnam, especially in his support for Radio Free Asia, and also of freedom of religion.


1/19/09 - John and Ken
Royce celebrated the commutation of sentences for Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean on the air with hosts John and Ken. For years Royce has urged President Bush to commute their sentences. A gross miscarriage of justice has finally been righted said Royce.


1/16/09 - Michael Savage
As a cosponsor of the Broadcaster Freedom Act, Royce spoke with host Michael Savage about the Fairness Doctrine and urged listeners to contact their Representatives to cosponsor the Broadcaster Freedom Act.


12/29/08 - Hugh Hewitt
As the ranking member of the Terrorism Nonproliferation and Trade Subcommittee Royce gives his thoughts on the latest international crisis in the Gaza Strip in Israel and the potential crisis along the Pakistan-India border.


11/26/2008 - John and Ken
Royce discussed his continued fight to commute the sentences of two Border Patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. Ramos and Compean pursued Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila, a Mexican national suspected of drug smuggling, as he fled to Mexico. Davila's van contained 743 pounds of marijuana - a street value of $1 million. Royce joined his colleagues to request that Mr. Ronald Rogers, Pardon Attorney, submit his recommendation to the President to commute the sentences of Ramos and Compean.


11/20/08 - KNX
Royce gave his analysis of the recent Financial Services Committee hearing "Stabilizing the Financial Condition of the American Automobile Industry" and discussed the overall state of the housing economy.


10/21/08 - Dennis Prager
Royce discusses a wide range of issues from foreign affairs to financial services including his work over the years to create a strong federal regulator for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.


7/24/08 - McIntyre in the Morning
Royce discusses the "American Energy Act" and calls on the Democrat Leadership to bring this bill to the floor for an up or down vote to address the number one issue in America - high gas prices.


7/23/08 - John and Ken
As an original cosponsor of the "American Energy Act" Royce discusses how this legislation's "all above approach" could help lower prices at the pump and ease the burdens on Americans. The legislation will increase the supply of American-made energy, improve conservation and efficiency, and promote renewable and alternative energy technologies.


7/17/08 - Lou Dobbs
Funding our government is the responsibility of the United States Congress. Royce discusses how the Democrats have shut down the appropriations process to thwart Republican efforts to address the issues the American people care about - like gas prices and immigration.


7/10/08 - KNX Business Hour
Anchor Frank Mottek asks Rep. Royce to give his thoughts on the Financial Services hearing titled Systemic Risk and the Financial Markets. Both Secretary Paulson and Chairman Bernanke testified during the hearing.


6/10/08 - John and Ken
Royce attends a press conference to demand the Democrat leadership take action on the bill, Fence By Date Certain Act. The Fence By Date Certain Act would repeal the Omnibus language, reinstate provisions of the Secure Fence Act which required 700 miles of double-layered fencing at specific locations along the border, authorize full funding, and require the fence to be built by June 30, 2009.


5/22/08 - John and Ken
Royce discussed the problems with the 2008 Farm Bill and the reason he voted no. Also up for discussion was the defeat of Feinstein's amnesty amendment. Amnesty sends the message that individuals who want to come to our country do not need to respect our laws.


4/16/08 - John and Ken
Royce supports the SAVE act - a three point plan to reduce illegal immigration. The Save Act will secure America's borders, implement mandatory work authorization verification, and reduce illegal immigration through interior enforcement. This legislation provides the tools and resources necessary to enforce immigration laws. He urged his colleagues in the House to sign a discharge petition for the SAVE Act which would bring the bill to the floor for a vote.
