Beating bribery: International Anticorruption Day in Morocco

Drummers and dancers filled the streets of Casablanca as part of International Anticorruption Day festivities ...

Prosecuting transnational corruption: France in the dock

The OECD has accused France of not responding effectively to the problem of international corruption. The third monitoring report on France’s implementation of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention did cite some progress: efforts have been taken to make businesses aware of the need to fight corruption and implement corruption prevention measures. But the rest of the [...]

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Does open data make development more accountable? The case of Colombia

Mapping different data sets from a country – with bright colours and click-through functions – may be a visual delight for developers and the tech-savvy, but what do these maps offer those crafting public policies? After all, the point of open data is to make more accountable and effective decision-making – whether it is about [...]

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Will billions in fines alone make banks respect the rules?

How banks implement international financial sanctions may not strike many as the sexiest news story of the day, but its importance comes alive when one remembers that holding a banking license and taking deposits from the public at large is not a right, but a privilege. It is bestowed on certain companies by the public [...]

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GRI: Germany’s corporate reports do not deliver what they promise

Sustainability reporting is a marketing instrument. In order to enhance their image, companies pride themselves on reporting on their environmental and social impact in accordance with the GRI Guidelines. The Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative are the leading standard of sustainability reporting worldwide and Application Level A is the highest stage of the system. [...]

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How Can We Curb Corruption in Supply Chains?

In a series of blog posts curated by the World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI), a number of leading voices will present their perspectives on anti-corruption in the run-up to World Anti-Corruption Day on 9 December. In the following post, Elaine Dezenski, Senior Director and Head of PACI, World Economic Forum, underlines the [...]

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Corruption and the fate of the people who make your clothes

Let the buyer beware: cheap clothing sometimes comes at a high price. Since the fire that killed 112 clothing workers in a Bangladesh factory last month,  the big global retailers supplied by the factory are being asked what they do to make sure the products we buy come from safe factories? How much is corruption [...]

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Bulgaria closes door on election monitors

Last week hundreds of Bulgarians protested in front of the Parliament, with some of them throwing tomatoes at the building of the legislature and calling for the end of corruption and “political hypocrisy”.  Reuters and the Financial Times quickly asked if this was a “tomato revolution against corruption”: “Nikolay Kolev, better known as ‘Bosiya’ (Barefoot), [...]

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Corruption Perceptions Index 2012 and the European Financial Crisis

Europe’s rankings in the Corruption Perceptions Index 2012 are as diverse as the region itself. Clearly the perceived level of corruption in Greece (94th, the lowest EU state) is entirely different from that of Denmark and Finland, tied with New Zealand in first place. However, the old adage that corruption only occurs in the countries [...]

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América: Crecimiento económico, estancamiento democrático ¿Tiene la corrupción algo que ver con esto?

Read this post in English here Para América, 2012 fue un año positivo en muchos aspectos. Importantes indicadores económicos y sociales muestran que ha habido mejoras y existe una sensación de optimismo en general en gran parte de la región, especialmente en América Latina. Mientras que la reciente campaña presidencial de Estados Unidos se centró [...]

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Corruption: An ongoing revolution in the Arab world

The Arab world witnessed unprecedented changes with the toppling of dictators in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya last year. The Arab Spring served to transform the anti-corruption issue from the responsibility of a few, to the preoccupation of many. In most countries in the Middle East and North Africa region, trust in government remains low, with [...]

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