Larson Statement on Hurricane Sandy Relief Package PDF Print E-mail

(Washington) – Today Congressman John B. Larson released the following statement on the passage of $50.5 billion in Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief funding by the U.S. House of Representatives, 79 days after Hurricane Sandy first hit the East Coast:

"While I am pleased the bill providing relief from Hurricane Sandy passed and aide is on its way, tonight's vote underscores a more difficult problem that President Obama faces with recalcitrant Republicans in the House. While states like Connecticut and New Jersey continually answer the call to aid fellow Americans, tonight nearly 180 Republicans voted against the relief, including those from states that have also experienced natural disaster. The Republican controlled Congress has reached a new low when it places politics and ideology before American citizens in need of their nation's assistance. Holding the nation hostage, such as threatening to plunge the nation over the fiscal cliff yet again, continues to be the modus operandi of the Republican Leadership.

"The bill we voted on tonight was about fellow Americans in need of assistance from their country. I commend Republicans like Chris Christie, Peter King, and Rodney Frelinghuysen who stood up for the their region and their nation. I cannot imagine voting against Hurricane relief for purely ideological and political reasons when fellow Americans need our help."

The $50.5 billion package is the second to be passed following a January 4th vote on the first $9.7 billion portion of Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief. The original, Senate-passed $60.4 billion relief Package was previously cancelled by House Republican Leadership.



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