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Lee Terry

Lee Terry
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  2. Zoo Academy (14 photos)
    I had the privilege of speaking to the Zoo Academy classes at the Henry Doorley Zoo today. Also, thank you to the zoo staff for giving me a behind the scenes tour and letting me meet one of the lion cubs. — at Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium.
  3. Tomorrow I will be hosting a Twitter Town Hall. If you have an account on twitter you can send me your questions now by using the hashtag #NE02 or #Omaha. I look forward to answering your questions.
  4. The first bill I will introduce in the new 113th Congress will be a Balanced Budget Amendment.
  5. From the beginning of the fiscal cliff debates, I held a simple position – not to entertain raising taxes unless there was fundamental reform and real spending cuts that would put us on a path to reducing our deficit. I do not believe the offer we were given by the Senate accomplished that goal.

    Read my complete statement about the Biden-McConnell fiscal cliff deal here: http://1.usa.gov/Z4lFsn
  6. With the Christmas Holiday almost upon us, many services and agencies will be closing in the Omaha area. Find out which ones here: http://bit.ly/VfowqI
  7. My staff and I adopted a family for Christmas through Open Door Mission. It is a wonderful organization and I had a great time picking out the presents.

    Learn how to get involved here: http://bit.ly/Zjr6EB
    Photo: My staff and I adopted a family for Christmas through Open Door Mission.  It is a wonderful organization and I had a great time picking out the presents. 

Learn how to get involved here:  http://bit.ly/Zjr6EB
  8. I am pleased that the Department of Veterans Affairs has finalized its purchase of the land for a national veteran’s cemetery in Eastern Nebraska. Learn more here: http://1.usa.gov/Wssak1
    Photo: I am pleased that the Department of Veterans Affairs has finalized its purchase of the land for a national veteran’s cemetery in Eastern Nebraska.  Learn more here: http://1.usa.gov/Wssak1
  9. Job creation and economic growth suffer while the Secretary of Commerce position remains empty. If the President thinks the Commerce Department is a serious agency, it is time for him to get serious about filling this vacancy with a qualified candidate. Read on here: http://bit.ly/T9R47k
  10. After today's tragic event, our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and families of Newtown Connecticut.

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