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Civil Affairs soldier makes immediate impact in Terezayi

Courtesy Story | Combined Joint Task Force 1 - Afghanistan | Date: 07.30.2011

While he has only been in-country for a few weeks, U.S. Army 1st Sgt. Thomas Walsh, the non-commissioned officer-in-charge of Khowst Provincial Reconstruction Team civil affairs, already made month’s worth of... Read More

Bamyan offers hope for Afghan future

Story by Capt. Kenneth Stewart | Combined Joint Task Force 1 - Afghanistan | Date: 07.11.2011

Bamyan province is what officials said they hope the rest of Afghanistan can become. Local businesses are open, men and women stroll around town and children play in the streets. It is as if someone forgot to... Read More

Temporary housing construction under way in Joplin

Story by Chris Gray | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District | Date: 07.05.2011

Construction began July 5 on temporary housing sites for Joplin residents displaced by the May 22 tornado that destroyed as much as a third of the city. Read More

ISAF joins the government of Afghanistan in condemning attacks in Logar and Kunduz provinces

Courtesy Story | ISAF Joint Command | Date: 06.25.2011

The International Security Assistance Force joins the president of Afghanistan and the Minister of Interior in condemning attacks in Logar and Kunduz provinces. Read More

Paktika government develops five-year plan

Courtesy Story | Combined Joint Task Force 1 - Afghanistan | Date: 06.05.2011

Paktika Provincial Reconstruction Team personnel joined the provincial government to discuss the next five years of development during the provincial development plan review and validation shura June 1-2. Read More