
The 30 Best Dogs Of 2012

We hate to rank these dogs because, unlike cats, all dogs are created equally awesome. However, these things must be done, so here's a countdown of the best dogs of the year. posted

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The 30 Best Dogs Of 2012
Cates Holderness

30. Air conditioner puppy

Ah, the great rivalry between Soft Coated Wheaton Terriers and automobile air conditioners.

Source: youtube.com

29. Elee, the very talented Shiba Inu

So much skill in such a small fox-like body.

28. This dog who's willing to give his friend a lift

Take a lesson from this Boston Terrier: always lend a helping hand (or head), even if it's for a different species.

Source: youtube.com

27. This tiny Pomeranian who just wants to escape

The canine personification of overcoming life's everyday frustrations.

Source: youtube.com

26. This Dachshund who found himself caught in a sweater

Oscar taught us the valuable lesson that if you put off things (like doing laundry) for long enough, eventually you'll be trapped by your laziness.

Source: youtube.com

25. Dubstep Dog

It was a big year for dubstep, so of course dogs got in on the action.

Source: youtube.com

24. This proud mama dog

This German Shepherd exemplifies the joy of motherhood. LOOK WHAT SHE MADE!

Source: i.imgur.com

23. The Golden Retriever who guarded his owner's bike

As politely as possible, of course. AND THEN HE HITCHED A RIDE!

Source: youtube.com

22. This very helpful lab

Visiting the vet is never fun, but having a lab as a receptionist kinda makes up for it.

Source: youtube.com

21. This lucky dog

Ever wonder what Heaven is like? This lab gives us a preview.

20. Penny, who can play fetch by herself

If only we could all find such happiness by ourselves.

Source: youtube.com

19. Mudd, the Bulldog on a trampoline

Such joi de vivre is rarely experienced by humans.

Source: youtube.com

18. Jiff, the happiest Pomeranian in the world

This year Boo got some serious competition for "cutest Pom."

Source: facebook.com

17. The Bantha Pug

This year Wampug got a costume upgrade, and there was much rejoicing.

Source: youtube.com

16. This dog kissing a dolphin

One of the most important interspecies love affairs of the year.

Source: youtube.com

15. Ramen Noodle, the armless Toy Poodle

Ramen Noodle's live may have started rough, but his story illustrates one of the best things about animals: their utter lack of self-pity.

14. This incredibly happy dog

He taught us to stop and appreciate the simple joys of life and encouraged us to spend some time enjoying nature.

Source: youtube.com

13. This English Pointer, who helped his human get a drink of water

Man's best friend, indeed.

Image by Newspix/Rex/Rex USA

12. The dog who will steal your soul

It's so cute OH GOD WHY.

Source: youtube.com

11. Corgnelius the Corgi

It's pretty obvious why Corgnelius was counted amongst the most influential corgis of 2012.

10. Zeus, the world's tallest dog

This Great Dane measures a giant 7'4 on his hind legs. He's practically a horse.

Image by  Guinness World Records 2013 Book, Kevin Scott Ramos, HO / AP

9. Meysi, the world's smallest dog

This teensy Yorkie mix is roughly the size of a hamster, which is both weird and adorable.

Source: txblacklabel

8. Loca, the Pug who couldn't run

There is nothing to say about Loca, other than there has never been a greater Pug. For the curious, Loca's inability to run is caused by a neurological disorder called ataxia, which in most cases is neither life-threatening nor painful.

7. Lawyer dog

One of the most popular macros this year, Lawyer Dog bills by the hour. Luckily, he prefers to get paid in milkbones and belly scratches.

Source: quickmeme.com

6. This slightly suspicious dog

He's not buying what you're selling.

5. Shiba Confessions

Clearly, the most important Shiba Inu tumblr of the year, if not ever.

4. This puppy experiencing growing pains

Growing up sucks. :(

Source: reddit.com

3. Moose the Shar Pei

This one's pretty self-explanatory.

Source: llosgicoch

2. Maddie the Coonhound

Maddie travels around the country standing on things, and it's beautiful. Seriously. She stands on everything!

1. Best Dog Of 2012: Maymo the Lemon Beagle

It was a huge year for this handsome but naughty canine. Maymo gained popularity when he stole a cabbage from a table, but really came into his own when dog shaming became popular.

Dog shaming, where people submit pictures of their dogs along with notes explaining the horribly naughty things they do, was the year's biggest dog trend.

Maymo earned his title as Best Dog of 2012 by being featured in the ultimate dog shaming video.

Good job, Maymo!

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