Fighting for Florida

Jan 01 2013

Looking Back On 2012

With 2013 now officially underway, I'd like to thank you for entrusting me with the great honor of serving you in the United States Senate last year.
Last month,I watched with great sadness as Hurricane Sandy hit various eastern seaboard states and destroyed towns, property and lives. While Florida was spared the worst damage seen in the northeast,given Sandy's sheer size and trajectory, even our state experienced some damage.
Marco wishes you a blessed and Merry Christmas. Watch his message in English here and Spanish here.
I'm pleased that Jon Hammar is being returned safely to the U.S., and I appreciate the Mexican government's attention to this case and its actions allowing Mr. Hammar to return home to his family in time for Christmas.
Earlier today, I had a chance to meet with Terry Kramer, the U.S. ambassador to the recently concluded World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT), and thank him for his work at WCIT and for his commitment to Internet freedom.
In the aftermath of the unspeakable tragedy in Newtown, Senator Rubio, like millions of Americans, is looking for public policy changes that would prevent such a horrible event from happening again.
Many Floridians and Americans from other states have recently contacted my offices to express their concerns and outrage about Jon Hammar's situation.
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following video statement marking the first night of Hanukkah on December 8:

Dec 06 2012

Tell me your story

There has been a lot of talk in Washington about the fiscal cliff, but there isn't enough talk about what the fiscal cliff actually means to people who are trying to work their way up.
My late grandfather was one of the most influential people in my life. Until his death when I was 13, "Papá" was a mentor who spent countless hours on our front porch with me discussing history, politics and baseball. As a Cuban immigrant, he knew how special America is, and it's one lesson from him that I will never forget.