Live Video/Text Chat

(things you should know before proceeding)

Our live video/text chat is a fellowship of conservative patriots working to implement conservative policy. We get together week nights from 9:30pm to 11:30pm (Eastern) for fellowship and to keep ourselves advised of news that is relevant to the conservative cause. We watch informative videos that the main stream media ignores. We encourage one another. We have fun together.

BUT, we are a working group with a purpose. Our video/text chat is not intended to merely entertain to draw huge crowds. It is intended to solidify relationships as we work together as a team. Each member contributes something. As conservatives, we understand that there should be no free loaders. We all sacrifice for the good of the team and the conservative cause.

Each participant in our video chat gives permission to the PatriotJournalist Twitter app to post tweets on their behalf. While this offers certain benefits to the individual, it is the admission price to the video/text chat experience. We want to be clear so that there is no misunderstanding. If you are willing to allow the PatriotJournalist Twitter app to post tweets on your behalf in order to be admitted to our live video/text chat, you can find out more by clicking the link below. Once you've Opted In, you will find the link to the video/text chat room.
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  • OK, now that we have all the boring stuff out of the way, here's a little more info about the video/text chat itself:

    You don't need a webcam or a microphone to participate. You can watch passively and enjoy (and learn from) the materials presented.

    If you have a webcam and/or microphone - it will not be turned on unless you ask the host to have it turned on. The host cannot turn on your webcam or mic. The host can only send you an invitation for YOU to allow it to be turned on. Once you have requested and accepted the hosts invitation to turn on your webcam/mic - you may turn it off at any time. Conversely, you cannot turn your own webcam/mic without the hosts permission. The host may turn off your webcam/mic at any time.

    When you request your webcam/mic be turned on, the host will FIRST turn on your mic (only) to establish audio communcations. Once that is established, YOU verbally request to have your webcam turned on by the host (or you can do it yourself). As policy, the host will not turn on your webcam without your verbal consent even after you have "allowed" it to be turned on. After all, ladies sometimes don't have all their makeup on or maybe they've had a bad hair day!

    As for house rules, common courtesy prevails. There are specific words or phrases that will cause the host to kick you out. The "F" word, the "N" word, and God's last name isn't "damn". We are not self righteous, but we insist that you stay within these guidelines.

    The text chat requires that you sign in with Twitter and grant a seperate app permission to post on your behalf. Once you've signed into the text chat, you will enjoy a rich experience of interaction with other patriots. You don't have to post anything in the text chat, but it really adds to everybody's experience if you join in.

    What about "trolls"? You know, people who are just there to distract, harass, and generally make trouble? Well, given the permissions that are required to enter the video/text chat, it is rare that a troll would go to that much trouble. But if they do and you see text chat posts that are offensive in any way, all you do is click on their name in the roster and an "Ignore" menu item comes to your rescue. You may want to notify the host that a particular member is being not-so-nice, but ignoring them is your best option. Not even the host knows who is ignoring or being ignored, so don't be bashful. We want everybody to enjoy the experience and not let the behavior of a few to ruin it for the whole group.

    The #PJNET team is like family. Many of us have made life long friends here. You will find this fellowship to be one with emphasis on the positive. This is a place where we work with what we have - not rant about what is wrong and what we can't do with what we don't have. We find champions of the conservative cause, whether they are elected officials or other team memebers, and we applaud them publicly. We hope you will enjoy being with us as we laugh together, pray together, learn together, and work together.