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@crystalclear3 Oh I agree completely. The next question is which of the Big Three files bankruptcy first. My guess is Chrysler
The Auto Bailout Is Dead, For Now
@crystalclear3 Yes, cloture vote just ended. They fell 8 votes short. The bailout is dead till January
@michellemalkin Specter the Defector. What a shock. Let him retire already
@michellemalkin Well, good riddance to John Warner then
@brendanloy Perhaps they polled his wife and his dog
@SDWhite It's got to be something on my end then, because I tried the new version of the plugin w/ 2.7 and the backup & email does not work
The Auto Bailout Monster Is Dying
expects to see at least two of the Big Three file Chapter 11 within a week if the bailout does indeed fail. And its about time they did.
RT @michellemalkin Great news - UAW/Corker negotiations blew up. Senate headed for cloture vote
It looks like the auto bailout is dead
Auto Bailout Update: The Fix May Be In
@Flap If the GOP folds on this one, then Fuck em
The Battle Against The Bailout Continues In The Senate
If They’re Worried, Perhaps We Should All Be Worried
Memo To Hollywood: Che Guevara Was A Murdering Bastard
Just When You Thought The Auto Bailout Couldn’t Get Any Worse


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