Rep. Kristi Noem

Rep. Kristi Noem


I'm South Dakota's lone Member of the U.S. House of Representatives. I live in Castlewood, SD with my husband Bryon and three kids Kassidy, Kennedy & Booker.

Castlewood & Washington ·

Cannot wait to celebrate with my family in South Dakota tomorrow. What are you thankful for?

Nov. 24th is "Small Business Saturday." Check out what your local small businesses have to offer for gifts. Learn more:

MT : Today marks 1300 days since passed a formal budget. Our nat'l debt has increased by $5+ trillion since then.

Congrats to for his re-election as Senate Republican Conference Chairman. He'll continue to do great work for SD & the nation.

A big thank you to all those in South Dakota who are making an effort to help those impacted by Sandy!

Congrats to Groton, Parker & Wall Elementary Schools for being named 2012 National Blue Ribbon Schools. Nice work!

Great story on two SD vets. I was honored to present one a long overdue Korean War Medal back in September

Happy Birthday South Dakota! MT : Today is South Dakota's 123rd birthday.Statehood papers 4 SD & ND signed on this day in 1889

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