Speaker Boehner: President’s Plan Is Not Balanced, Does Not Begin to Solve Debt Crisis

WASHINGTON, DC – At his weekly press conference with Republican leaders today, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said that the president’s failure to put forth a plan that is both balanced and begins to address our debt crisis is stalling a solution to the fiscal cliff and putting American jobs at risk.  Following are Speaker Boehner’s remarks:

“You know, as of today the president’s plan to avert the fiscal cliff still does not meet the two standards that I laid out the day after the election. 

“His plan does not fulfill his promise to bring a balanced approach to solving this problem.  It’s mainly tax hikes.  And his plan does not begin to solve our debt crisis.  It actually increases spending.

“Our plan meets these standards.  It cuts spending, and paves the way for real job growth in our country.

“In the five weeks since we signaled our willingness to forge an agreement with the president, he’s never put forth a plan that meets these standards. And frankly, that’s why we don't have an agreement today.

“You know, the longer the White House slow-walks this discussion, the closer our economy gets to the fiscal cliff – and the more American jobs are placed in jeopardy.”