See the New Faces of the 113th Congress
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Meet the Large-Animal Vet Who's Gunning for the GOP Establishment

24 minutes ago Ted Yoho and his fellow GOP House freshmen promise to make John Boehner’s life even more hellish.

Does Jon Huntsman and Joe Manchin `No Labels' Move Signal Independent Presidential Aspirations?

12:01 p.m. While we're on the topic of Chris Christie and independent political movements, here's an interesting item from No Labels, the grassroots...

Chris Christie's Superstorm Hypocrisy

11:32 a.m. Everyone on Capitol Hill is delighted to see Sen. Mark Kirk return to work today, almost a year after his stroke. Kirk was vigorous and only in...

Don't Despair (Yet) Over Next Fiscal Cliff

10:42 a.m. Here’s a radical thought: Maybe the next round of Capital Hill strife won’t be as bad as what we’ve just endured at the precipice of the...

Why You Don't Want to Cross Chris Christie

10:27 a.m. The Republican New Jersey governor unloads on his party for failing to pass the Hurricane Sandy relief bill.  

How 8 Top U.S. Universities Fare in Minority Graduation Rates

10:17 a.m. A racial and ethnic breakdown of 2011 graduation rates at eight top universities in the U.S.

Paul Ryan vs. Marco Rubio: The Politics of the Cliff Vote

8:53 a.m. In pursuing contrasting approaches on the fiscal-cliff compromise, Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio are laying different bets for what the political...

Firsts in Congress, Among Members of Color -- PICTURES

8:52 a.m. Among the members of color taking the oath of office for the 113 th Congress, many are first-generation Americans, but others stand alone among...
Today's Blog Posts
Hotline On Call

McConnell Team Touts Cliff Deal, Despite Conservative Opposition

44 minutes ago
To hear Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell 's campaign tell it, you'd think he solved the fiscal cliff by himself. Campaign manger Jesse Benton sent out a fundraising email on Wednesday,...  Read more »
Hotline On Call

Carmona Considering Ariz. Governor Run

10:33 a.m.
2012 Democratic Senate nominee and former U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona is considering a 2014 gubernatorial bid in Arizona, he told the Arizona Capitol Times Wednesday.  Read more »
Hotline On Call

Bad John Kerry Horse Puns: Secretary or Secretariat

9:02 a.m.
The late-night shows were light on the political humor as people slowly trickle back to work. But David Letterman was around to admit his thorough lack of knowledge of what the fiscal cliff even...  Read more »
Hotline On Call

DesJarlais Gets First Official Primary Opponent

4:47 p.m.
Embattled Rep. Scott DesJarlais , R-Tenn., has his first official primary opponent.  Read more »
Reid Wilson: On the Trail

Races to Watch in 2013

6:00 a.m.

In the era of constant campaigning, politics never stops. While the White House moves on President Obama's second-term agenda and Washington debates the next fiscal cliff, immigration reform...  Read more »

Gwen Ifill: Gwen's Take

Lessons From Snail Mail

December 28, 2012

Working a holiday week means having no more excuses. So my desk, which had turned into the place where election-year research goes to die, needed my attention.

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Ronald Brownstein: Political Connections

The Fiscal Cliff's Greatest Threat Is to American Unity

December 27, 2012
The fiscal cliff was an opportunity to push off partisanship. But, following incentives, legislators only increased it.  Read more »
Reid Wilson: On the Trail

Congress Has Outsized Influence Over Obama's Cabinet

December 25, 2012
President Obama's cabinet is getting Borked.  Read more »
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