Employment Graphs

Title: Percent Job Losses in Post WWII Recessions, November, post on Dec 7, 2012
Post: November Employment Report: 146,000 Jobs, 7.7% Unemployment Rate


Title: Payroll Jobs added or lost per month, November, post on Dec 7, 2012
Post: November Employment Report: 146,000 Jobs, 7.7% Unemployment Rate

Title: Percent Job Losses during Recessions, Aligned at Bottom, November, post on Dec 7, 2012
Post: Employment Report: More Positives than Negatives

Title: Unemployment Rate, November, post on Dec 7, 2012
Post: November Employment Report: 146,000 Jobs, 7.7% Unemployment Rate

Title: Participation Rate, Employment Population Ratio, November, post on Dec 7, 2012
Post: November Employment Report: 146,000 Jobs, 7.7% Unemployment Rate

Title: Part Time Workers, November, post on Dec 7, 2012
Post: Employment Report: More Positives than Negatives

Title: Unemployed Over 26 Weeks, November, post on Dec 7, 2012
Post: Employment Report: More Positives than Negatives

Title: Employment-Population Ratio, 25 to 54 years old, November, post on Dec 7, 2012
Post: Employment Report: More Positives than Negatives

Title: State and Local Payroll Jobs, November, post on Dec 7, 2012
Post: Employment Report: More Positives than Negatives

Title: Duration of Unemployment, October, post on Nov 2, 2012
Post: Solid Seasonal Retail Hiring, Graphs for Duration of Unemployment, Unemployment by Education and Diffusion Indexes

Title: Unemployment by Education, October, post on Nov 2, 2012
Post: Solid Seasonal Retail Hiring, Graphs for Duration of Unemployment, Unemployment by Education and Diffusion Indexes

Title: Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims since 2000, posted on Jan 3, 2013
Post: Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims increase to 372,000

Title: Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims since 1971, posted on Jan 3, 2013
Post: Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims increase to 372,000

Title: Employment Diffusion Indexes, October, post on Nov 2, 2012
Post: Solid Seasonal Retail Hiring, Graphs for Duration of Unemployment, Unemployment by Education and Diffusion Indexes

Title: Construction Employment, August, post on Sept 10, 2012
Post: Employment Graphs: Construction Employment, Unemployment by Education

Title: Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, Oct, post on Dec 11, 2012
Post: BLS: Job Openings "little changed" in October

Title: Payroll Employment as percent of previous peak, Jan, posted on Feb 5, 2012
Post: Recovery Measures

Title: NFIB Small Business Survey of Hiring Plans over next three months, Nov, posted on Dec 2, 2011
Post: Survey: Small Busines hiring picking up

Title: Seasonal Retail Hiring, November, post on Dec 7, 2012
Post: Employment Report: More Positives than Negatives

Title: State Unemployment Rates, November, post on December 21, 2012
Post: State Unemployment Rates decreased in 45 States in November