Rep. Renee Ellmers

Rep. Renee Ellmers


I am honored to serve the Second District of North Carolina in the United States Congress. Tweet with me today:

NC's Second District ·

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  1. American households manage their budgets by reducing the amount they spend. Government should do the same.

  2. Another look: American people do not support raising debt ceiling w/o reducing government spending at the same time

  3. The fact that President Obama refuses to even discuss options to control our debt and spending is disappointing.

  4. “Affordable” Care Act via government mandates? If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

  5. On Tuesday, the U.S. Constitution will be read aloud from the floor of the House of Representatives.

  6. 24 years ago today, Reagan said farewell to the nation in his final address from the Oval Office.


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