
Mikulski, Senate Women Interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC World News Tonight - Part 1

SenatorMikulskiSenatorMikulski·142 videos
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Published on Jan 4, 2013

Senator Barbara Mikulski, Dean of the Senate Women, was joined by the Senate women of the 113th Congress in an interview with Diane Sawyer for ABC's World News Tonight. The Senators discuss the historic significance of 20 women serving in the Senate, as well as what they hope that means for America moving forward. The program originally aired on ABC's World News Tonight on January 3, 2013.

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  • barbroxursox

    This is so inspirational. :) I'm glad to finally see women in power in the US, as well as the amount of bipartisanship. I hope they can actually help congress get something done this year!


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  • Kathy Barnett

    "We don't have that need to always be confrontational"...beautiful!

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