29 Reasons To Be Proud To Be 'Murrican

'Murrica: Home of giant French fry holders and the glorious land of butter and bacon. posted

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29 Reasons To Be Proud To Be 'Murrican
Ryan Broderick

1. Welcome to America

2. Where the people are proud of who they are.

Source: i.imgur.com

3. A land of resourceful inventors.

Source: i.imgur.com

4. And close, loving families.

5. We love our food.

Source: i.imgur.com

6. Like really, really love our food.

7. And food loves us.

Source: i.imgur.com

8. It's a beautiful relationship.

Source: i.imgur.com

9. We have a bad ass mascot.

Source: i.imgur.com

10. And we've had a some pretty cool presidents.

Source: i.imgur.com

11. Sure, our military might get a little overzealous.

Source: i.imgur.com

12. And some of our citizens might be a little lazy.

Source: i.imgur.com

14. OK, we get it.

15. And a few of us might be rude.

Source: i.imgur.com

16. But we're the Ron Swanson of countries.

Source: i.imgur.com

17. Some people think we're pretty goofy.

Source: i.imgur.com

19. But sometimes following your dreams looks a little crazy.

20. We've got some growing up to do, for sure.

Source: i.imgur.com

21. But even Canada messes up from time to time.

Source: i.imgur.com

22. So be proud to be an American.

Source: i.imgur.com

23. But not too proud.

Source: i.imgur.com

24. There's no reason to be pushy.

Source: i.imgur.com

25. People already think we're too aggressive.

Source: i.imgur.com

26. And too much of a good thing is annoying.

Source: lolbrary.com

27. Unless you're this guy.

Source: i.imgur.com

28. Or this guy.

Source: i.imgur.com

29. God bless

Source: regalo.com

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