Senator Marco Rubio
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Senator Marco Rubio - Washington, DC

Senator Marco Rubio
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  • Government Official
    Senator Rubio served in the Florida House of Representatives from 2000 to 2008 and was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2010. He and his wife, Jeanette, have four young children and live in West Miami, FL.
  1. Senator Rubio released the following statement about the presidential election:

    "It has been a privilege campaigning for Mitt Romney, getting to know him and traveling throughout the country on his behalf. When future generations look back on this election, I am proud they will count me among those who chose a path of limited government and free enterprise at a critical crossroads in our history....
    I am proud to have cast my vote for Mitt Romney.

    "Now comes the hard part. America faces monumental challenges in putting people back to work, reducing our crushing debt and advancing our interests around the world.

    "In the next Congress, I am committed to working on upward mobility policies that will ensure people who work hard and play by the rules can rise above the circumstances of their birth and leave their children better off. The conservative movement should have particular appeal to people in minority and immigrant communities who are trying to make it, and Republicans need to work harder than ever to communicate our beliefs to them. I look forward to working on these goals with my new and returning colleagues in Congress and hope the President will get behind our efforts."
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  2. Senators Rubio & Ayotte Concerned By State Department's Benghazi Investigation:
  3. Due to Hurricane Sandy, our Washington, D.C. office will be closed today, Tuesday, October 30. If you need immediate assistance, please call our Orlando office at (407) 254-2573.
  4. Amanda Rubio is home this morning after being released from Miami Children's Hospital Sunday evening. She is recuperating from a concussion. Her condition has stabilized and should improve in the coming days. Her prognosis is good and she is expected to make a full recovery. Senator and Mrs. Rubio are grateful for the many messages of support and prayers for their daughter. And they are grateful to the Miami-Dade Fire Department and the staff at the Pediatric Trauma Center at Miami Children's Hospital for their excellent care.
  5. Due to Hurricane Sandy, our Washington, D.C. office will be closed today, Monday, October 29. If you need immediate assistance, please call our Orlando office at (407) 254-2573.
  6. Senator Rubio Laments Delay Of Senate Hearing On Libya Terrorist Attack:

    “I’m glad the Senate Intelligence Committee will finally get a chance to investigate this matter, but the truth is this hearing should have be...
    en held weeks ago. By the time it takes place, two full months will have passed since the September 11th terrorist attack on our consulate in Libya. That’s way too long for the Senate to ask the important questions that have been building up.

    “For over six weeks, the American people have been troubled by mixed information and claims from the Obama administration on this attack, and it’s important that we get to the bottom of how this attack was possible and what caused all these mixed messages. Our diplomatic corps deserve to know that their safety is paramount and that their colleagues in Benghazi won’t be forgotten.”
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  7. Earlier today, Senator Marco Rubio discussed a wide range of key issues with Bob Schieffer on CBS' "Face the Nation." Watch here:
  8. Happy 237th birthday U.S. Navy!! Thank you to all the men and women who have served past and present!

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