Barbara Mikulski

Barbara Mikulski


U.S. Senator for Maryland

Baltimore, MD/Washington DC ·

  1. That's why I fought so hard for Individual Disaster Assistance to help ppl repair their homes&led Senate effort to pass Sandy Emergency Bill

  2. I've thought about Crisfield & hardworking, patriotic people who live there every day since “Sandy” hit- deserve a gov't on your side

  3. On my way to Somerset County to see first-hand how the City and people of Crisfield are recovering from Sandy

  4. Paycheck Fairness Act updates our current laws to stop pay discrimination from happening in the first place

  5. Next week, I plan to make the Paycheck Fairness Act the first bill I introduce in the 113th Congress

  6. Four years ago on Jan 22, Senate passed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to keep courthouse doors open for people discriminated in the paycheck

  7. To Sen Udall- Pride Goeth Before The Fall. Or in ur case A Bronco Bust HOORAY for RAVENS. !!!

  8. 3 cheers for MD schools ranked # 1 in nation 5th year in a row! Hats off to students, parents & teachers.

  9. So glad she didn't listen to her high school counselor who told her she wasn't college material and should lower her sights

  10. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis has been a champion for working families across the nation and in Maryland. Sorry to hear she's resigning.

  11. Today looking forward to speaking at opening of this session of Md General Assembly on behalf of Md's Congressional Delegation

  12. GR8 Game. Loved The Fun Run by Ray - now the Ravens. Fly. High. In the Mile. High City Denver.

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