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Donald Trump

Politics 2020-12-18T01:55:14Z

White House aides reportedly stepped in to keep Trump from calling for $2,000 stimulus checks fearing it could torpedo relief negotiations

The Post reported that White House aides talked Trump out of calling for larger direct payments than Republicans seek in stimulus talks.
Politics 2020-12-17T22:06:05Z

Biden says he will 'not stand idly by' on the massive US cyberattack that Trump hasn't bothered to address yet

Biden's strong statement stood in sharp contrast to Trump's silence on the SolarWinds hack that compromised hundreds of US entities.

Biden has a shot to be one of America's 'great presidents' but don't expect too much in his first 100 days, experts say

The fact Biden has so many massive obstacles to overcome means he has the chance to become one of America's great presidents, historians say.

Dominion threatens defamation lawsuit over Sidney Powell's election conspiracy theories: 'You are not entitled to your own facts'

The ex-Trump lawyer has repeatedly claimed Dominion has secret ties to Venezuela and flipped the election from Trump to Biden.
Politics 2020-12-17T13:30:53Z

Trump's new attorney general won't say if he'll order a special counsel probe into Hunter Biden, despite pressure from the White House

President Donald Trump is reportedly determined to launch special counsel probes to damage Joe Biden's presidency before he takes office.
Politics 2020-12-17T12:09:29Z

Trump is conspicuously absent from the list of public figures getting a coronavirus vaccine soon

The former presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton pledged to get the vaccine live on TV, as has Vice President Mike Pence.
Politics 2020-12-17T11:00:34Z

Trump has threatened not to leave the White House on Inauguration Day, report says

Few aides believe that President Donald Trump would actually follow through on that threat, according to the CNN report.

Trump is still pinning his hopes on one last lawsuit in Michigan to overturn the presidential election

President Donald Trump said a report written by his allies in a lawsuit over a small Michigan county's Marijuana measure reveals "massive fraud."

The city of Detroit is trying to get Sidney Powell banned from court for her conspiracy theory election lawsuits

After getting kicked of President Donald Trump's legal team, Powell filed several failed, falsehood-filled lawsuits on her own.
Premium Politics 2020-12-16T13:39:24Z

A powerful group of lobbyists and donors pushed Mitch McConnell to take a 'hard red line' that delayed a stimulus bill for months

Businesses and other groups have pushed the Senate majority leader and Republicans for protections against coronavirus-related lawsuits. It's a sticking point that has held up stimulus talks for months.

Trump's postelection flailing was a ridiculous farce, but it did expose the real threats to America

President Donald Trump may be a charlatan, but he laid bare the threats to American democracy, including a broken economy and a distorted media.
Politics 2020-12-16T12:48:21Z

The US government changed the rules to allow more powerful showers after Trump complained about not getting enough water to wash his hair

At a White House event in July, Trump complained that showers weren't providing enough water for him to properly wash his hair.

Trump attacked Mitch McConnell for accepting Biden's win, saying it's still 'too soon to give up' on his flailing attempt to reverse the election

McConnell congratulated Joe Biden on winning the US election after the Electoral College on Monday made his win over President Donald Trump official.
Politics 2020-12-16T04:31:41Z

Trump reportedly asked his lawyers if he could personally appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden before leaving office

The request would be an extraordinary effort by President Donald Trump to usurp a process traditionally carried out by the Justice Department.

Kamala Harris applauds Mitch McConnell for accepting election results and speaking with Biden but said it would have 'been better if it were earlier'

Harris said she wished that the conversation between Biden and McConnell happened earlier, "but it happened, and that's what's most important."
Military & Defense 2020-12-15T21:55:24Z

Here's what happens to the 'nuclear football' if Trump decides to skip Biden's inauguration

A former military aide and experts explain what likely happens to the world's most important briefcase if Trump is a no-show at Biden's inauguration.
Politics 2020-12-15T21:38:37Z

A group of 17 progressive Democrats is pushing for $2,000 stimulus checks to be in the next coronavirus relief package

Calls are mounting in Congress, particularly among Democrats, to include direct payments in the next relief package.

McConnell begged Senate colleagues in a leaked call not to block Congress from recognizing Biden as president-elect

McConnell said it would be "terrible" for the GOP to have to vote down efforts to block Biden's win because it would make the party look anti-Trump.
Politics 2020-12-15T19:23:34Z

Trump retweets prominent attorney who says Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp 'will soon be going to jail'

The tweet is Trump's latest attack against Georgia's Republican officials who have rejected his demands to overturn the election results.

The pro-Trump cable network Newsmax will refer to Biden as 'president-elect' after weeks of Trump praising them for refusing to do so

Recent coverage on Newsmax has been a mixed bag when it comes to acknowledging Biden as the winner, but now they're officially recognizing his win.
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