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America's top military officer praises courage of ANA's 215th Maiwand Corps

Courtesy Story | Regional Command Southwest | Date: 09.26.2012

Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, met with senior officials on Camp Leatherneck to discuss the security environment in southern Afghanistan, Sept. 25. Read More

RC(SW) Press Release: Narcotics find

Courtesy Story | ISAF Regional Command South | Date: 09.23.2012

Today in Reg-e Khan Neshin district of Helmand province ISAF troops discovered a narcotics find of 520 kg of opium when searching a vehicle. The narcotics were destroyed and one individual was detained in... Read More

Statement from ISAF's Regional Commander Southwest on Gov. Mangal

Courtesy Story | ISAF Joint Command | Date: 09.21.2012

The following statement is from the commander of the International Security Assistance Force Regional Command Southwest, Gen. Charles 'Mark' Gurganus. Read More

Sailors receive anchors in Afghanistan

Story by Cpl. Anthony Ward Jr | Regional Command Southwest | Date: 09.17.2012

“Ask the chief” is a saying that many sailors and Marines have heard in their career. Read More

Explosive ordnance disposal technicians teach methods to counter improvised explosive devices in Afghanistan

Story by Sgt. Michele Watson | 1st Marine Logistics Group | Date: 08.31.2012

In today’s war, improvised explosive devices remain the number one threat to Marines and sailors forward deployed to Afghanistan. Read More