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Strong Opposition In Seattle For Gateway Pacific Terminal

People on both sides of the debate lined up outside for a chance to speak at the coal export hearing in Seattle.

by Ashley Ahearn

More than 2,000 people showed up Thursday to tell regulators what they think should be considered in the environmental review of a proposed coal export terminal near Bellingham, Wash. If built, it could be the largest such facility on the West Coast.

Seattle Firm Wins Grant To Build Offshore Wind Platform

by Amelia Templeton

A Seattle wind energy company and an Oregon port have won federal funding to develop an offshore wind energy platform.

Restoring An Extinct Salmon Species

by Aaron Kunz

Very few people seemed to notice when Idaho’s coho salmon went extinct in 1987. But the Nez Perce Indian tribe noticed. And thanks to its extraordinary efforts, coho are once again returning by the thousands to Idaho waters.

Where Coal Divides, Community Remains

by Ashley Ahearn

For some, the possibility of taking coal from Wyoming’s Powder River Basin via train to export terminals along the West coast, to then be shipped to Asian markets, is such an emotional issue that it can no longer be discussed in polite company. For others, it's dinner conversation.

6 Things You Should Know About The Economics of Natural Gas Exports

by Amelia Templeton

The Department of Energy released a study Wednesday that finds exporting natural gas would have a net benefit the U.S. economy, causing losses in labor and investment income but creating larger increases in income for natural gas producers, shareholders, and property owners.

Oil Trains On The Rise In The Northwest

by Ashley Ahearn

There is now more oil coming out of the Great Plains than out of Alaska. It's coming from a deposit known as the Bakken Shale Formation and some of it is on its way, by train, to refineries in the Northwest.

Project to Recharge Aquifers with Columbia River Water

by Courtney Flatt

The lack of water for both farmers and fish is a problem that's plagued the arid West for years. Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber is getting behind possible solution: withdraw Columbia River water in the winter and store it underground so it's there to meet irrigation need months later.

Acidifying Water Takes Toll On Northwest Shellfish

by Katie Campbell, Ashley Ahearn, David Steves

A blue ribbon panel delivers its report on ways to combat a consequence of carbon dioxide: acidifying waters that harm sea life in Puget Sound. Recommendations range from the global to the local.

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