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Boehner, Pelosi remain House party leaders
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3 (UPI) -- U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, at times overcome by emotion, urged lawmakers to tackle the nation's debt so it won't be passed on to future generations.
2012: Year in Review

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New Years Eve in Times Square
College Bowl Games
Polar Bear Swim in Vancouver
The Fiscal Cliff debate
NFL Week 17
Miss USA wins Miss Universe
Australian Olympian's dream inspired by a greater cause
By Fleur Castlereagh, Written for UPI
Eloise Wellings may finally fulfill her dream of competing at an Olympics this year and a change in focus may be just what she needs to make it.
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Ronald Reagan's house is for sale for $5 million [PHOTOS]
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Newly-elected senator Kirsten Gillibrand sworn in to begin 113th Congress on Capitol Hill
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Newly-reelected Sen.Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY ),(L) holds her son Henry, who kisses her as she takes part in a re-enactment of her swearing in by Vice President Joe Biden, in the Old Senate Chamber at the US Capitol, January 3, 2013, in Washington, DC. The senator was previously officially sworn in on the floor of the Senate to begin the 113th Congress. UPI/Mike Theiler