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Breast Cancer Survivor Humiliated and Sexually Molested at Richmond, VA Airport 2011 Richmond Tax Day TEA Party Attendance: Mission Accomplished Syndrome? Richmond TEA Party Underway! Beautiful Evening

Breast Cancer Survivor Humiliated and Sexually Molested at Richmond, VA Airport

Being married for 28 years is a milestone that few Americans will ever see. Marriage longevity is a rare thing, indeed. And while 28 years is not normally a milestone greeted with grandiose celebration, such overtures generally reserved for years divisible by 5, this one has a special connotation for me and my wife, Sharon. We were married at the age of 28, so this marks the point where we have been married exactly half of our lives. We are the same age, being born a mere 12 days apart. So I decided that a celebration of some sort was… Read the rest

2011 Richmond Tax Day TEA Party Attendance: Mission Accomplished Syndrome?

It seems the media is making hay with the lower than previous year’s attendance at last night’s Tax Day Rally put on by the Richmond TEA Party. Here are the facts. First, last night’s rally saw between 1,100 and 1,500 people attend the event. The attendance was off from the previous two years, that is for sure. But do the diminished numbers mean a diminished interest or resolve concerning the wasteful spending and over-taxation by the Federal Government? Absolutely not! The resolve is still there, even among the many that stayed away. To be sure, burnout is a factor. And… Read the rest

Richmond TEA Party Underway! Beautiful Evening – Crowd Filling In!

The Tax Day Protest is officially underway and the music is rocking. Tweet This Post

02 May 2011

Cantor Praises Our Military, Congratulates Bush and Obama

This post was written by: Tom White

Cantor: “Many Virginians were directly affected by the devastating attacks on the Pentagon on September 11th and the bombing of the USS Cole homeported in Norfolk and those lost will never be forgotten.” WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Eric Cantor (VA-07) last night issued the following statement regarding the news that Osama Bin Laden has been killed: “Nearly a decade ago, in the days after 9/11, President Bush said, ‘Whether we bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done.’ Tonight, we’ve learned that justice has been done. The man with the blood of more… Read the rest

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02 May 2011

GOP Senators to Obama: Drop the Speech-Chilling Executive Order on Contractors

This post was written by: Tom White

  The Washington Post reports today, “Republican senators are asking President Obama to drop plans to sign an executive order forcing government contractors to disclose donations to groups participating in political activities, saying the White House shouldn’t use a company’s political history to determine if they’re eligible for government work. A draft proposal on the issue is under review and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said last week that Obama believes taxpayers deserve to know how contractors are spending money they’ve earned from the government. . . . Many Republicans however believe that the move could allow the White… Read the rest

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02 May 2011

Why Killing Bin Laden Was Obama’s Only Viable Option – and How He Plans to Score Political Points With the Pictures

This post was written by: Tom White

Can you imagine the phone call that interrupted President Obama’s golf game? “We have Osama Bin Laden! What do you want to do with him?” So, think this through. Obama promised to close Gitmo. So he couldn’t put him there without offending his far left supporters who want the place closed down. Bringing Bin Laden to American soil was not an option. And, unfortunately, Obama has reportedly shut down the “Black Sites” in Europe and elsewhere. And even if we could have found a suitable place to house the world’s most wanted terrorist, what type of… Read the rest

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02 May 2011

Osama Bin Laden Killed!!! Shot in Head and Buried at Sea.

This post was written by: Tom White

Last night came the news that the 9/11 mastermind and most wanted terrorist in the world has been captured, executed and buried at sea. While the news is welcomed, one would hope that there will be some proof offered, perhaps video, showing the death of Osama Bin Laden. News reports claim that there are pictures. This is too important to keep hidden. And if Obama does not release these pictures soon, how long will it take Donald Trump to bring this into his “campaign”? This is not how this should go down! The Obama administration has proved to be one… Read the rest

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01 May 2011


This post was written by: Elwood "Sandy" Sanders

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is, like the EU and much about the UN in general, is NOT our friend.  It must be stopped.  President Clinton actually signed the Rome Treaty establishing the ICC but did not send it to the Senate for potential rejection.  It would have been rejected.  President George W. Bush rescinded that signature.  It cannot constitutionally be accepted by the US as it may authorize US citizens to be brought to trial by foreigners in a foreign court of dubious jurisdiction. The ICC’s mischief arose in a unprecedented prosecution of a purely internal matter… Read the rest

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01 May 2011

Today Is Holocaust Rememberance Day

This post was written by: Tom White

Today is a very solemn day on the Jewish Calendar, Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance day. It is observed on the 27th day of the month of Nisan, which marks the day when Allied troops liberated the first Nazi concentration camp at Buchenwald, Germany, in 1945. The full name of the day is Yom Hashoah Ve-Hagevurah, which means the “Day of (remembrance of) the Holocaust and the Heroism”. On the morning of April 12th, 1945 General Eisenhower met Generals Bradley and Patton at Ohrdruf Concentration Camp. Afterwards Eisenhower also ordered every American soldier in the area who was not on the… Read the rest

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01 May 2011


This post was written by: Elwood "Sandy" Sanders

The Daily Paul is reporting that the RP campaign will give grave consideration to the Money Bomb and debate results next Thursday to determine if Cong. Paul continues the campaign.  That yes decision is critical to the Republic; if you can donate next Thursday, please do so. Also, the folks who did the awesome documentary For Liberty, came up with a six minute docucommerical that ought to be shown on TV in as many places as possible.  Here it is, again thanks to the Daily Paul! Tweet This Post

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Super MariObama Game. ROFLMAO!

01 May 2011

Super MariObama Game. ROFLMAO!

This post was written by: Tom White

This is great! The New Super MariObama game. I want this one!   Tweet This Post

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01 May 2011

Pennsylvania Schoolchildren to Be Used as Props at May 3rd Leftist-Union Rally

This post was written by: Tom White

More shameful union tactics exposed by Labor Union Report, which, by the way, is one of the most hard hitting sites on the internet for keeping an eye on Labor Unions as they reach new lows in grabbing for power and money. I suggest you bookmark their site! Here is a quote from this story: On Tuesday, across the state of Pennsylvania, unions and other Left-wing organizations will be boarding buses and heading to the state capitol in Harrisburg to engage in a mass rally to fight for economic and social justice and against budget cuts.… Read the rest

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01 May 2011

Obama, NATO Strike Destroys an Orphanage and a School for Children With Down’s Syndrome in Libya

This post was written by: Tom White

Here is some change we can believe in. It seems the Libyan people are under a greater assault from the Obama Administration and this president’s “Lead from Behind” mentality in Libya than from Gaddafi as NATO and the US fight to “protect” the Libyan “rebels” (pronounced Al-Qaeda). Obama ostensibly justified attacks on Libya by the US backed NATO Command as a humanitarian effort to protect the “rebels” from Muammar Gaddafi, but it seems that indiscriminate and poorly directed attacks on Gaddafi’s forces have actually resulted in a greater loss of life to the “rebels” than the Libyan leader’s attacks. Now… Read the rest

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01 May 2011

Virginia Political Blog Rankings for 5-1-2011

This post was written by: Tom White

The Virginia Political Blog Rankings for 5/1/2011 are out! Several blogs moved a couple of spots, but the one that stands out as This Week’s Most Improved Blog is Disrupt the Narrative improving 79% over last week! That equates to 4 spots in the standings (from #13 to #9) for the winner’s spot! It should be noted that the closer to the top a blog is ranked, the more difficult it is to improve a large number of slots. This week, 6 out of 22 Lefty Blogs improved (27%) and 12 out of 52 Righty Blogs improved… Read the rest

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30 April 2011


This post was written by: Elwood "Sandy" Sanders

My heart is warmed by what I found at the Abingdon Tea Party web site today – this posting about a recent presentation about ICLEI to the Abingdon City Council.  Abingdon is a member of ICLEI.  Catherine Turner of the Abingdon Tea Party and Richard Macbeth of the Tenth Amendment Foundation spoke after months of research on the dangers of ICLEI and Agenda 21.  They also did a FOIA request for ICLEI docs.  That is a great idea!  Go Catherine and Richard!  Highlights: From the FOIA request, copies of all the correspondence and communication with the group ICLEI… Read the rest

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30 April 2011


This post was written by: Elwood "Sandy" Sanders

Vermont is home to one Democrat Senator (Patrick Leahy) and one self-called socialist independent (Bernie Sanders – no relation!) and one Democrat member of Congress.  It is one of the most liberal states in the Union.  But even here, there is signs of life:  Two great anti-ICLEI blogs. The first is Vermont for Evolution, a website that seems to transcend left and right and may be truly libertarian with a small “l”.  They have a great article on ICLEI.  Highlights: ICLEI’s website openly admits that its Local Agenda 21 Model Communities Program will “aid local governments in implementing… Read the rest

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29 April 2011


This post was written by: Elwood "Sandy" Sanders

There is a new batch of liberty/sovereignty activists fighting ICLEI in their home town:  Las Cruces, NM!  According to the Las Cruces Sun-News, there is a move afoot to get their city OUT of ICLEI!  And they WON!  Here’s highlights: But that isn’t stopping concerned residents from demanding the city end its involvement in ICLEI. They want the city to resign its membership as quickly as possible because they believe it is a threat to the American concept of private property rights. “I am going to start a petition drive to cancel the city’s membership in ICLEI,”… Read the rest

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29 April 2011


This post was written by: Elwood "Sandy" Sanders

I am hearing the Twilight Zone music right now.  Can I borrow Rod Serling’s voice when I need it?  I think I need it right now.  Let’s start with Sandy agrees with an European bureaucrat.  That alone might cause the EU to tremble in fright…here’s the scoop: A French advocate-general has reported (shout out to Real Clear Science) to the European Court of Justice that it is illegal and unethical for companies to patent research derived from embryonic stem cell research.  Yes, that’s right.  A French lawyer/judge says embryonic stem cell research cannot be… Read the rest

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29 April 2011


This post was written by: Elwood "Sandy" Sanders

I was watching the Royal Wedding this morning and caught the very end of it.  It was a wonderful ceremony and my prayers for eternal happiness go out to Prince William and Princess Kate.  But there was a song – a hymn – at the very end of the ceremony, part of the recessional, that I immediately recognized from the end of Chariots of Fire – the final scene when Harold Abrahams returns in triumph to Sybil and the scene fades out to the end of the ceremony at the start of the movie – Abrahams’ 1978 funeral – and… Read the rest

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29 April 2011

WSJ: McConnell Turns the Tables on Budget Vote; Gallup: “Americans See Republicans as Better Able to Handle the Budget”

This post was written by: Tom White

  The Wall Street Journal’s Washington Wire wrote yesterday, “Two can play this budget game. A day after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) put Republicans on the spot by saying he will bring the House Republicans’ budget proposal up for a vote,  Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) turned the tables by exercising his legislative prerogative to call for a vote on President Barack Obama’s budget. The two votes amount to legislative brinkmanship by both party leaders. Mr. Reid wants to put Republicans on record supporting legislation authored by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R., Wis.)… Read the rest

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The Council Has Spoken!! 04-29-2011

29 April 2011

The Council Has Spoken!! 04-29-2011

This post was written by: Tom White

The Council has spoken, the results are in and another Watcher’s Council contest is history, carved in stone and immutable. What happens when Leftist governments lean so heavily on business that they seriously retard economic activity and kill the Golden Goose? This week’s winning essay by Bookworm Room entitled What happens when government (state or federal) is pathologically hostile to business examines that subject in micro and macro. Kafka isn’t even in the running. Here’s a slice: On the fifth day after quitting, Jane shows… Read the rest

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28 April 2011


This post was written by: Elwood "Sandy" Sanders

The Supreme Court of the United States issued a terrible decision yesterday.  It disallowed a class action based on a consumer complaint of fraud based on a California statute that disallowed most if not all binding arbitration in consumer cases.  Here is the Washington Post’s take on the decision: Deepak Gupta, who argued the case on behalf of cellphone customers Vincent and Liza Concepcion, called the ruling a “crushing blow to American consumers and employees” and said it leaves consumers powerless against arbitration agreements buried in fine print. “Whenever you sign a contract to get… Read the rest

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