Rep. Don Young

Rep. Don Young


Merchant Marine, Teacher, State Rep, State Senator and finally Congressman for all Alaska for the last 38 years.

Ft. Yukon, AK ·

Tweets Alle / Ingen svar

  1. I am honored to nominate such talented young Alaskans for appointment to our nation’s military service academies.

  2. Its swearing-in day in DC. I am honored to represent the state I love and will continue my fight on behalf of all

  3. Frankenfish pose a grave threat to wild salmon stocks, and today’s decision by the FDA is foolish and disturbing.

  4. Sen. Inouye was an institution in the Senate and was a tireless public servant for Hawaii since before its statehood.

  5. Today we honor those who have worn the uniform and bravely protected this nation. God bless our veterans and their families.

  6. Had a good editorial bd meeting with today. Discussion of fed fiscal cliff, BLM, fed management of lands in AK, energy costs.

  7. Today on Day, we honor and salute these brave individuals for their service and sacrifice. God bless them and their families

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