Community Events

Stella's Whale Migration

A Florida's Children's Movement in the Power of Setting Goals.

Multi-City Educational Tour from Wyland Foundation, Florida Blue, Florida YMCA, Toyota, Kids Eat Right and Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute Visits Florida schools


Children across Florida are taking part in a unique exercise in goal setting to help Stella — a near life-size illustration of a baby right whale — migrate 700 miles from one end of the state to the other. Stella’s epic 30-day journey begins this fall, BUT her success depends on the help of thousands of Florida students. Are you up for the challenge?


Famed muralist Wyland and south Florida school children created the giant painting in spring 2012 (see video on right) as part of an effort to draw attention to the plight of the endangered north Atlantic right whale whose numbers have dwindled in recent years to less than 400 animals. To mirror the average traveling distance in a right whale's migration, Stella will stop every twenty miles at schools and children's centers, starting Oct. 14 in Key Largo and concluding Nov. 17 at the Right Whale Festival in Jacksonville.


Each stop on Stella’s route will include presentations from marine mammal experts and educators, a photo opportunity with Stella, and activities for students to use Stella's journey to identify their own goals for environmental conservation, health and wellness, and academic success.


"Stella gives students a chance to understand the perilous migration that whales undertake every year from their winter calving areas off Florida to the feeding grounds off Nova Scotia," says Wyland. "Her journey gives us a unique way of understanding the importance of overcoming obstacles to achieve goals."


The first 20 schools to enroll will be entered into a drawing for a visit from the Wyland Clean Water Mobile Learning Experience. For more information email, with the subject line: Stella’s Whale Migration.

Your family can help support local whales like Stella with a Protect Florida Whales specialty license plate. Learn more at

Stella the Whale fact: Marine debris/runoff

Thursday November, 08, 2012

Stella the Whale fact: The largest source of marine debris is runoff from land-based sources such as storm sewers and parking lots. A right whale might mistake litter, like a plastic bag, for food. Once ingested, marine debris may cause internal injury, intestinal blockage, and starvation

Stella the Whale fact: Entanglements

Wednesday October, 31, 2012

Stella the Whale fact: You know what's scarier than Halloween? Entaglements in fishing gear can keep whales from eating, breathing, or swimming. Lines cutting into the skin can cause fatal infections. Nearly 3 out of four of all living right whales bear scars from fishing gear. One way you can help is by purchasing a Protect Florida Whales License Plate

Stella the Whale Fact: Ship Collision & Ship Strike

Friday October, 26, 2012

Stella the Whale fact: Ship collision/ship strike is the primary cause of death for right whales and accounts for nearly half of known right whales deaths. Right whales swim slowly and spend a lot of time at the surface feeding and resting which makes them especially vulnerable. One way you can help is by going to


Our Health

Move forward like Stella with the following activities from Florida Blue, Kids Eat Right and the YMCA of Florida. Engage and excite your students with these fun, education health and wellness activities.

Our Environment

Bring Stella to life in your classroom with these activities from Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute - right whale Lesson Plans. Activities include images and maps to immerse your students in the amazing environment around them.

Our Communities

Setting and achieving goals is essential for success in school and life. This section allows you and your students the opportunity to dive into activities that focus on goal setting. Activities can be easily adapted for your grade level.

Watch Stella Come to Life

Photo Gallery

  • Waters Edge Elementary School - Boca Raton, FL October 17, 2012
  • Leewood K-8 Center - Miami, FL October 16, 2012

Art Contest

Students grade K-8 across the state of Florida, show off your creativity by using the theme of "Stella's Journey" to depict the importance of setting goals for healthier living and a healthier environment. Use any artistic medium you like - painting, drawing, photograph, sculpture, or mixed media.

Have your parents enter your artwork by November 17. The Grand Prize Winner will receive an online art lesson by Wyland himself for their class and other cool stuff! For more information click the link below

Stella's Journey Art Contest