Press Release

Price Named Vice Chair of Budget Committee


Washington, D.C.– Congressman Tom Price, M.D. (R-GA) has been named Vice Chairman of the House Committee on the Budget for the 113th Congress. He will serve alongside Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI).


“Congressman Tom Price has been an invaluable member of the House Budget Committee over the past two years,” Chairman Ryan said “As vice chair, he will help lead an effort to promote tax and entitlement reform to strengthen our economy and create jobs.  He is committed to the American principles of limited government and free enterprise, and I look forward to working with him in his new role.”


Rep. Price was instrumental in drafting the 2011 and 2012 House GOP budgets, both of which passed the U.S. House of Representatives. He also serves on the House Committee of Ways and Means. He previously served as chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee, as well as the Republican Study Committee.


“It is an honor to have been selected for the position of Vice Chairman of the House Committee on the Budget. It will be a privilege to work with Chairman Paul Ryan and the fellow members of the committee during the 113th Congress to help correct the fiscal course of our nation,” Price said. “We face a very serious and growing debt crisis, and the current spending habits in Washington are simply unsustainable. This requires that we do what is necessary to balance our budget and pay down our national debt while helping to encourage economic growth through common sense tax reform. Our efforts must include meaningful reforms to the nation’s health and retirement programs so that we can save and strengthen the guarantees of Medicare and Social Security. I am confident we can work in a positive, bipartisan way in service to our constituents and our nation.”
