Jack Kingston

Jack Kingston


Representing Georgia's First District

Georgia · http://kingston.house.gov/

Tweets Tout / Sans réponses

  1. I am honored to continue working for our troops & their families on the Defense Appropriations Committee:

  2. ATTN STUDENTS: Check your state & school FAFSA deadline. Some aid is 1st come, 1st serve. More info:

  3. Glad to hear that President George H.W. Bush is set to be released from the Hospital today. He'll remain in the Kingston family's prayers.

  4. Since 1970, federal spending has grown 238% while the median income has grown only 24%. It's time to cut spending:

  5. Today we're sworn in. Tomorrow we're sworn at. Both are great honors. God Bless America!

  6. A new swearing in tradition courtesy Nancy Pelosi: winner takes the gavel, loser gives the acceptance speech.

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