
Blogging Google

Blogging Google covers the Goog-iverse, i.e. all things Google. From search, to cloud-based apps, social integration, mobile web, online advertising, analytics, etc. Technorati will cover it. Coverage will focus on breaking news, opinion pieces and Google-related trends that impact the experience for users online.

Articles in this feature

  1. Jan 04, 2013

    FTC Investigation into Google Dropped
    The FTC have dropped their investigation into Google, with a relatively small number of voluntary concessions made by Google.
  2. Dec 18, 2012

    Wallace and Gromit Join Google Hangouts for the Holidays
    Google Plus reminds its users that its suite of social tools, including Hangouts, can be used to bring the family close for the Holidays.
  3. Dec 15, 2012

    Ray Kurzweil Comes to Google
    Singularity expert Ray Kurzweil announces that he's joining search giant Google.
  4. Dec 13, 2012

    Google Maps Returns to iPhones
    After a four month hiatus, Google Maps is back for the iPhone. Crisis averted. You are welcome.
  5. Oct 21, 2012

    Brazilian News Sites Ban Google
    Brazilian publishers have joined the French in an attack on Google News
  6. Oct 19, 2012

    Google Shares Slump After Poor Profits
    A profit slump at Google is released prematurely, causing their shares to lose $20 billion in value
  7. Oct 19, 2012

    Google Going to Block Access to French Media Sites?
    French publishers want to charge Google for indexing their content, with Google threatening to block them instead
  8. Oct 16, 2012

    EU Tells Google to Fix Their Privacy Statement
    The EU has ruled Google must amend their privacy policies to protect the privacy of users
  9. Oct 12, 2012

    Is Google Going Cold on Zagat?
    Google begin to phase out their Zagat review system, replacing it with a simpler interface.
  10. Oct 07, 2012

    Robert Bork Claims Google Not Like Microsoft
    Former Federal Court judge Robert Bork denies that Google is behaving anti-competitively
  11. Oct 04, 2012

    Google Warns of Looming Cyber Attacks
    Search giant Google is warning users of expected cyber-terrorism threats from the Middle East
  12. Oct 03, 2012

    Is Bing Better Than Google?
    Bing beat Google 2 to 1 in the blind test 'Bing it on Challenge'
  13. Oct 02, 2012

    Google Now Worth More Than Microsoft
    Google have officially become more valuable than tech rival and bellweather Microsoft.
  14. Sep 10, 2012

    GoDaddy Experiences Downtime, Infuriates Customers
    GoDaddy goes down for considerable period of time, consumers are freaking and we're all losing money. What now?
  15. Aug 13, 2012

    Google Crushes Piracy by Burying Their Content Deeper Into Search Results
    Google hopes to tackle piracy with another new algorithm.
  16. Jul 31, 2012

    Google Fiber: What Will it Cost You?
    Google announces a free Internet plan with Google Fiber. But what will it cost you?
  17. Jul 19, 2012

    Google earnings rise 11% in Q2
    Google report strong earnings for Q2 off the back of excellent advertising income.
  18. Jul 17, 2012

    Google+ Users Happier Than Facebook Users
    A consumer satisfaction survey places Google+ top, whilst Facebook languishes in last place.
  19. Jul 06, 2012

    British Airways Enters Privacy Storm Over Google Image Use
    British Airways has been critisized by privacy campaigners for researching passengers on Google Images
  20. Jun 28, 2012

    Google Debuts Its Nexus 7 Tablet: Do We Care?
    Learn Why the Nexus 7 is a J/K Tablet This Year Until Google is REALLY Ready for Apple Next Year