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timhill4u updated their profile
1 hour ago
SassySweetBren posted a discussion

Answer To Questions

Anyone who can use a computer can use Google to answer a lot of questions they have.  It amazes me when people don't go there first.  Anytime, I have a problem, Google is my best friend.The trick is to use the right tags or words to find your answer.How many people go to Google first when confronted with a problem?See More
4 hours ago
SassySweetBren replied to the viper's discussion 'Blue Screen of death'
"Take you Cmos battery out and push down the the power button for 60 second.  That will set the BIOS back to default. That is just one thing you can do. After doing that, do a clean install.  If you get the blue screen of death  after…"
4 hours ago
SassySweetBren replied to Gibson's discussion 'When Different Opinions Technology Related Destroy a Friendship.'
"No but I lost a long time friend  because of politics.  It hurts when a person cares more about someone or something that they care about you. Dust off your shoes and get on about your business.  It sounds like y'all butt heads…"
4 hours ago
SassySweetBren replied to Michael Epson's discussion 'No Antivirus Needed ... Really?'
"Wuz?  I think not.  You are just trying to protect yourself.  I would for sure run an anti-virus program and if the over rated Mac will allow it, I would install a firewall."
5 hours ago
SassySweetBren replied to Corey irby's discussion 'If there is a really bad virus on a computer can u get rid of it by replacing the hard drive and memory?'
"Yep.   Just do a clean install and use the same Product code that is on  the machine.  Be sure to back up any important files so you don't lose them."
5 hours ago
SassySweetBren replied to Dillor Zaarour's discussion 'Do you think that you could live with our upgrading to the iPhone 4 or iPhone 4s and use the iPhone 3GS?'
"Do you know that some areas aren't equipped to handle the latest and greatest upgrades?  Go with you iPhone 3Gs and call it good.  The towers are not owned by the providers and until they have new ones up and going that can handle the…"
5 hours ago
SassySweetBren replied to Wes Nicholson-djweaz's discussion 'Win. 7 & 8'
"Now you will know that is the most important DVD that you own. ha ha...glad you found it."
5 hours ago
SassySweetBren replied to Warlock's discussion 'My First Build.'
"Good for you my friend.  I am very proud of you.  That is a major accomplishment. Hope everything is going well with you Warlock.  Hugs"
5 hours ago
SassySweetBren replied to Keshia Fowler's discussion 'windows media player help'
"Deleting files This may have the answer you are looking for.  It is too late for me to read it to give you an answer. Good luck."
5 hours ago
SassySweetBren replied to GamingNerd198's discussion 'Which Browser Is Truly The Fastest'
"Text can be changed.  I just changed mine on my computer running Windows 7. That might not be the  case with XP  but it is for 7.  Go to control panel and look for font.  You can change it to anything you like."
5 hours ago
SassySweetBren replied to GamingNerd198's discussion 'Which Browser Is Truly The Fastest'
"Yep, Ad Block Plus is necessary.  I wouldn't think of not having it on my computer. As far as which one is  the fast, I think a lot has to do with how much you have on it.  It you have a lot of add ons, it can slow it down a…"
5 hours ago
SassySweetBren replied to Tony Salmon's discussion 'Help with extending wireless signal'
"VPN is Viral Private Network. Get a wireless that is VGN and N rated as well. Go with Net gear.  If that doesn't work get a dual band router. That should solve your problem."
5 hours ago
SassySweetBren replied to roving cowboy /keith hall's discussion 'windows explorer issue'
"Do yourself a favor and download Firefox.  You will be very pleased with it.  I haven't used Internet Explorer in years."
5 hours ago
SassySweetBren replied to XANA8446's discussion 'Survey For English Class: Ms Office Vs Open Office'
"I have Open Source Office, Word Perfect Office 11 and MS Office on my  computer but I find myself using the Open Source most of the time. It is just as good as any of the others. "
5 hours ago
SassySweetBren replied to Henry Jenkins's discussion 'need an unbiased opinion on buying a new computer ?'
"I can't tell you what computer to buy as that is a choice that everyone has to make for themselves.  However, there are three things that I feel are very important.  As much ram as you can get, a fast CPU and at least 500 gigs on your…"
5 hours ago
David J Radniecki joined Brandon's group

computer geeks

a place wear you can talk about computers. mac vs. pc, hard ware, computer news... whatever as long as it has it has to do with computers.
7 hours ago
Voiddealer replied to cesar's discussion 'WHATS YOUR FAVORITE ANIME MANGA?' in the group anime
" My favorite anime is Code Geass (the first season and the ending of the second) and for manga i will have to go with either Pandora Heart or Dancing in the Vampire Bund (now there are some real vampires)."
18 hours ago
Profile Icondemarkus floyd, Ronald Rosa, Voiddealer and 1 more joined Geeks
18 hours ago
Voiddealer joined cesar's group


discussions for all the anime lovers, naruto, hellsing, full metal panic, bleach and much more.
18 hours ago


Answer To Questions

Started by SassySweetBren in General 4 hours ago.

Blue Screen of death 4 Replies

Started by the viper in General. Last reply by SassySweetBren 4 hours ago.

When Different Opinions Technology Related Destroy a Friendship. 5 Replies

Started by Gibson in General. Last reply by SassySweetBren 4 hours ago.

No Antivirus Needed ... Really? 27 Replies

Started by Michael Epson in Mac OS X. Last reply by SassySweetBren 5 hours ago.

Win. 7 & 8 4 Replies

Started by Wes Nicholson-djweaz in Windows. Last reply by SassySweetBren 5 hours ago.

My First Build. 5 Replies

Started by Warlock in Apple. Last reply by SassySweetBren 5 hours ago.

windows media player help 3 Replies

Started by Keshia Fowler in Windows. Last reply by SassySweetBren 5 hours ago.

Which Browser Is Truly The Fastest 11 Replies

Started by GamingNerd198 in Opinions. Last reply by SassySweetBren 5 hours ago.

Help with extending wireless signal 1 Reply

Started by Tony Salmon in Apple. Last reply by SassySweetBren 5 hours ago.

windows explorer issue 4 Replies

Started by roving cowboy /keith hall in Apple. Last reply by SassySweetBren 5 hours ago.

Survey For English Class: Ms Office Vs Open Office 2 Replies

Started by XANA8446 in Software. Last reply by SassySweetBren 5 hours ago.

need an unbiased opinion on buying a new computer ? 6 Replies

Started by Henry Jenkins in Apple. Last reply by SassySweetBren 5 hours ago.

Starwars or Startrek?

Started by Robin Wacanno in Movies Dec 28, 2012.

Will Windows 8 Work with my PC Games? XP Mode Clarity? 3 Replies

Started by Charles Abrahams in Windows. Last reply by Robin Wacanno Dec 28, 2012.

Why I don't like Windows 8.

Started by Branhm Naved in Windows Dec 27, 2012.

QWERTY vs Dvorak: Who is using what? 48 Replies

Started by Matthew Savoy in General. Last reply by Knightjp Dec 22, 2012.

Colemak vs Dvorak

Started by Knightjp in General Dec 22, 2012.

Blog Posts

Well Well Well....

Posted by Gordon Keenan on January 1, 2013 at 2:19am 1 Comment

The World of IT in a Nutshell

Posted by David Anderson on December 27, 2012 at 4:00am 0 Comments

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Posted by Sbushfan11 on December 21, 2012 at 8:13pm 0 Comments

Get Brewing!

Posted by Heidi Schelfo on December 14, 2012 at 4:49am 0 Comments

Keeping The Alfa

Posted by Knightjp on November 10, 2012 at 7:53am 0 Comments

IOS 6 and single core problems

Posted by Dillor Zaarour on November 7, 2012 at 9:39am 0 Comments

Which Van... Ah the Choices

Posted by Knightjp on November 3, 2012 at 2:01pm 0 Comments

Disney owns Lucasflim

Posted by KnOwMaN on October 30, 2012 at 6:40pm 2 Comments

I'm Still an Apple Fan Boy, but!

Posted by Ron Knights on October 29, 2012 at 8:14pm 5 Comments

The Fantastic Four

Posted by Heidi Schelfo on October 26, 2012 at 8:38pm 1 Comment


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